Chapter 25: Surrounded By Idiots

Start from the beginning

"You aren't my boss, I only listen to Hope" He sneered, taking a threatening step towards me.

Completely ignoring the gun.


One thing I really hate is someone defying me. Answering back and not doing what I say in an instant.

I laughed harshly, my head snapped up and within seconds I had him pinned against the wall, my arm pressing against his neck and my gun beside his head.

"Don't you dare answer me back shaw, the only reason I haven't put a bullet between your eyes is because of Hope. I show no fucking mercy, this is a one time only. If you step out of line again, I'll make sure to rip that tongue out and feed it to your bastard brother. Do you understand?"

Caleb didn't even flinch, and he had the audacity to roll his eyes and smirk.

This guy has a death wish.

"Caleb man, just do what he says" I could hear Jace speak firmly.

I pressed against his neck, even more, his face now becoming a blood-red colour but he still looked at me like I was bluffing.

Usually, I control my rage, my inner Demon who wishes to be let out which I only allow in certain circumstances. This time I let it take over me, my eyes glazing over as I pressed slightly against the trigger on my gun.

Now he looked frightened.

I smiled.

A malicious smile.

"Do you think she will love someone like you" Caleb managed to choke out, tugging on my arm harshly.

"Do you think I give a fuck, but maybe Hope is just as sick and twisted like me"

I've heard about Hope since she overtook her uncle's gang, I've met him a few times quite a while back. There's something off about him.

Hope became one of the best gang leaders, did everything by the book. She was strong, caught on to this world quickly, but when she had to give up her daughter she became ruthless. Trying to find every last person who was involved with West or her mother, and tortured them to gain information. She's just a girl who wants her family back, and who can blame her. A reason why I want to help her is to stop her from falling, she's already losing pieces of herself, and there's only so much one person can do till darkness takes over and there's no way back.

I could hear faint shouts, my name being called repeatedly as I pressed harder against Caleb's neck. His eyes slowly started to droop down until I was pushed off him.

My eyes shot up to see Hope in front of him, her blazing eyes on me. Them crystal blues turned into ice, making it impossible to look away.

"What the hell do you think you're doing" She shouted.

I rolled my shoulders back, my sight darting from her to him who was now slumped against the wall trying to breathe the air back into his lungs.

"Jace get Caleb out of here, I'll deal with him later" He quickly obliged, muttering a Hermosa. Whatever that means.

Then she turned towards me again and pointed at me "and you come with me" with that she turned and stormed out of the kitchen and up the stairs.

For some reason I did as she said, I slowly made my way up as I looked at her walk into my room. Her hips swaying from side to side, her long brown hair cascaded down her back.

She's unbelievably gorgeous.

As I stepped into my room and shut the door she pushed me back and I growled loudly, but she didn't flinch.

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