Chapter Thirty-Nine

Start from the beginning

Sokka hugged me, "You are officially my favorite member of Team Avatar."

I pushed him away laughing, "Thanks, Sokka. You're my second favorite cousin."

"But you only have two," Sokka said.

"No, I have three."

Toph stretched, "Well, that was random."

"I don't think so. I get the feeling he knows who we are," Katara said.

I looked back, "Do you think he was here for Aang or me?"

Katara sighed, "I wish I could tell."


So, a few days later we hadn't done anything particularly exciting. Except Aang did go on a spirit world journey thing with Avatar Roku. 

Anyway, we found an area in the woods for training. Toph created a ring of the earth for us. 

"Okay. I'm ready for some training," Aang said, slipping his headband over his eyes like a blindfold.

Toph, Katara, and I stood in a fighting stance. Toph started earthbending and Aang used the vibration of the earth to see when she would strike. He dodged perfectly. Katara swept in with waterbending which Aang dodged as well. 

I bent a stream of fire. Aang dodged it as well. I smiled, "Not bad, kid."

Toph struck again, and Aang countered with Earthbending. 

"Good job, Twinkle Toes. Visualize, then attack," Toph said, launching a boulder. Aang dodged and it hit Katara square in the chest, knocking her down. 

I stifled a laugh. 

Katara got up and brushed herself off, "Maybe you should take your own advice, Toph!"

"What's the matter? Can't handle a little dirt, Madame Fussy-Britches?" Toph replied. 

I laughed. 

Katara looked angry and then splashed Toph, "Oh, sorry. Did I splash you, Mud-Slug?"

They both started fighting. 

Aang started taking off his blindfold, "Are we taking a break?"

Then Sokka started running up to him, his boomerang in hand, "Sneak attack!"

Aang created an earth wall without looking in Sokka's direction. Sokka crashed into the wall. I walked up to him and helped him up, "Word of advice cuz," he took my hand, "Screaming "Sneak Attack" defeats the purpose of a sneak attack."

Sokka looked dejected. 

I glanced back at Toph and Katara who were both covered in mud. 

"Uh guys, I thought we were supposed to be training me," Aang said. 

"Very well, pupil. I believe we've had enough training for today," Katara walked away.

"While Katara cleans up," Toph used earthbending to get all the mud off of her and ran towards us, "Let's go have some fun!"

I grinned, "I'm down," I said, putting on my mask.


We headed into Fire Fountain City. We walked through the sidewalks and I caught a glimpse of Zuko on the screen. 

I stopped dead in my tracks. 

Sokka, Aang, and Toph didn't notice the TV. 

Aang turned around, "Why'd you stop?"

"Go on without me, I'm going to go see if I can find a new wallet. Mine is falling apart and we don't wanna lose the only money we have."

Aang nodded and they continued walking. 

I turned back around to the TV. 

"We have a special guest on the show today, everyone give it up for Prince Zuko," The talk show host and the audience clapped and I watched as Zuko appeared on screen, sitting down on an armchair across from the talk show host. 

He would have never gone on a TV show like that. That's just not something he would do. 

Zuko smiled. It was forced, I could tell. His eyes gave it away. He didn't want to be there.

"So, Prince Zuko, I would just like to say, welcome back to the Fire Nation!"

Zuko nodded, "Thank you."

"From what I remember you were on a mission for three years, and then you were a fugitive for a few months, but now the Prince has returned!"

Applause sounded from the audience. 

Zuko held his head down. 

He never did like the attention. 

The host smiled, "So, today we will be taking some questions from the audience," someone ran on-screen and handed the host a pile of papers, "Alright, question one," he glanced down at the paper, "When did you and Mai meet."

I flinched.

Zuko coughed, "Uh, well she's friends with my sister, so she would come over a lot when we were kids."

The host grinned, "So, it's a childhood sweetheart story?"

"Well, I wouldn't say-" Zuko started to say. 

"What's a memory you have with Mai from when you guys were younger?"

I think I might barf.

"Uh," Zuko scratched the back of his head, "Well, once I knew that she and Ty Lee were coming over, and (Y/N) would hang out with them too, though it wasn't really voluntary. So I thought I would get (Y/N) and I waffles, for breakfast. We ate it in her room. She has this thing where no matter what she's doing, she looked perfect," he paused and smiled, "So I couldn't help but stare at (Y/N), even when she's doing something so casual like eating waffles..." Zuko coughed and his eyes widened, "I'm sorry what was the question?"

Did he just...?

The talk show host looked confused, "Well," he coughed, "Let's cut to a commercial break."

I stared at the screen for a bit. I texted Aang telling him that I was heading back to where we camped, just in case Katara wanted company. 

He texted me back okay with a smiley face. 

I sighed and started walking back to the campsite. 

Did he talk about me on national television? Why? Was that some sick joke? Did he know I was going to be watching? 

It's not funny. At all.

It didn't matter anyway. I'm over him.

Then why couldn't I stop thinking about him?

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