'Russian is a hot language.' I heard JJ comment behind me. Turned around just in time to see Nia elbow him in the ribs. I sniggered quietly and walked over to the girls.

'How are you so skilled?' Sursh immediately asked.

'Yeah, I thought I was talented with makeup, singing and gaming, but you can sing, game, be kind, generous, likeable, put up with your siblings, speak different languages, dance, model and drive. What can't you do?' Talia ranted.

'to answer your first question, I payed really close attention in school to things, and pursued all of my passions. Since we're YouTubers and don't have a specific work schedule, if I want to learn something, I'd take a break from YouTube and do it until I'm happy with what I've done. And 2, I can't do many things. I can't do makeup, hair, or make a good outfit, Alissa always does that for me, I can't knit either. It's something all of my grandmas have been able to do, but I've failed majorly at knitting.' I laughed at.

We walked our way over to a booth. We all squished in the booth together.

 'Drinks?' I suggested. Everyone nodded and I got up. 'I'll get 5 sets of vodka shots. Then a wine for everyone?' I suggested. Everyone agreed, but Tobi and Talia asked for water, I nodded in acknowledgement before getting up and going to the bar.

'Hey, can I have 5 sets of 22 vodka shots, and 16 glasses of wine, 2 waters?' I asked the handsome bartender. He nodded and I quickly told him my table number before giving him a request.

'There's a tanned girl with brown hair at out table, she's wearing a short black dress and showing lots of cleavage.' I described before leaning forwards slightly, and trying not to let anyone overhear our conversation. 'Do you have any drugs or anything you can put in her drink that will make her go...weird?'

He looked down at my cleavage. 'Yes. Sex pills.'

'Ta' I thanked him smugly before walking back to the table and sitting with everyone.

'drinks will be here in a moment.' I told them all. They all went into their own separate conversations before I turned to the person sitting next to me, who happened to me Calfreezy. He wasn't in a conversation with anyone. 'hey' I smiled up at him.

He looked down at me in suprise before saying hey back.

'I'm Addie.'

'Well I bloody know that! You're practically the most famous YouTuber in America!'

'haha, thanks.' I replied awkwardly.

'So, do you go to the club often? I mean, you look stunning and fit in perfectly with everyone here, but you feel too... Awkward to be a regular goer.' Freezy asked.

'I love the club, but it's just that I don't go often. I prefer to stay inside and be lazy. I also struggle maintaining eye contact with someone for more than a few seconds. What about you?'

'Oh, I go to the club very often. I love drinking and I'm no lightweight. My favourite parts are the hook ups.' he winked.

'I'm a bit of a lightweight, and when I get drunk I do some mad things. Once I started dancing on the bar and was about to start stripping, but a bouncer removed me.' I laughed at the memory.

Cal laughed. 'We best get you drunk then.' he joked.

I saw the bartender from before come over, holding 5 sets of shots on one tray in one hand, and the other drinks on a separate tray on his other hand. He stood at the end of the table and placed a shot down infront of everyone. He made eye contact with me as he placed one by Nia. I nodded at him to show him he had gotten the right person. Nia's shot had looked the exact same as all of ours, but if you looked closely, you could see it was fizzier than the others' shots. I raised my shot into the air.

'to a great night'



If you hadn't seen, the media says what everyone would be wearing. I tried to put all the girls in things I could image them wearing. Here is why I put some of the people in what they are wearing:

Talia- You may have seen a picture of her with Simon where she was wearing a pink silk version of the dress in the media.

Freya- In a video with Emily, she showed what she would wear to the club. It was a pair of black jeans with fishnets underneath, and a cropped black T-shirt.

Gee- Gee is like the perfect example of an e-girl. She loves to wear skater-skirts, and I could imagine her wearing a comfortable but cute outfit like the one she's shown wearing.

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