They were quick to use the jaws of life to break down the car into pieces, removing them before grasping the boys limbs, moving him slowly onto a stretcher where he was escorted to the nearest hospital.

An oxygen mask was placed over his mouth as his heartbeat was failing. The boy struggled to work his lungs on his own at this point.

The man, known as Mark, ripped open the boys shirt, throwing the scraps to the side as he pumped on his chest. Luke wasn't showing any signs of improvement as his heartbeat slowed down until it was nearly stopped.

He tilted Luke's head back and lifted up his chin, allowing his airways to be fully opened where he could check how the boy was breathing.

To his fear, no air was passing in or out.

"Prepare for defibrillation!" Mark shouted as he adjusted the gloves on his hands.

The pads connected to the AED were placed on his now bare chest as all medical assistants stood around Luke in hopes of saving the boys life.

"Stand clear!"

A shock erupted through Luke's body, lifting his back from the stretcher but nothing happened.

"Come on boy." Mark mumbled. "Stand clear!" He yelled once again. Luke's back was lifted from the stretcher only to come back down with once again no change.

Mark resulted to 30 chest compressions, and 2 rescue breaths, frantically moving trying to get the boy to breathe. Bringing back out the pads, he gave one more shock to the boys chest, but once again nothing happened.

The man dropped his head in defeat just as the ambulance was pulling into the hospital emergency dropoff section. He felt queasy, knowing he wasn't able to save the boys life.

"Status unknown. Time of death, 1:38 am-"

He was interupted by a loud beeping, indicating Luke's heart was starting up again. Everyone swore it was a damn miracle. His breathing regulated, but was still faint considering his condition, but still it was a large improvment seein as he was announced dead moments before.

Numerous nurses and doctors lifted the body onto a mobile stretcher, moving Luke inside the hospital and down multiple halls as the surgeons were already prepped up on the first floor, ready to operate on the boy.

The stretcher was rushed past the waiting room, 4 figures jumping up in fear as they watched the boy shaking with the movements of the bed on wheels moving him. A nurse came out, telling them to remain calm as one of the four figures dropped down the wall having a breakdown.

No one else could see what happened after they passed through the hallway doors labeled "emergency surgery". No one else wanted to see what happened past those doors.


Genevieve's P.O.V

I threw a pillow at Grace as I laughed loudly. We both sang obnoxiously to the christmas music being played from the t.v as we wore footie pajamas with festive reindeer and numerous patterns.

"I got you an awesome christmas present." Grace said with a grin as I grew pale.

"You forgot to get me a present didn't you." She spoke and I blushed.

"Pshh, no,"


"yeS I FORGOT!" I grumbled out, crossing my arms over my chest. She let out a snicker and plopped down beside me.

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