Chapter 27

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"Karin we really need to talk." Dave said sounding serious. I put my hoop earrings on and applied lipgloss. "Its gonna have to wait."

Since I was finally outta prison I was gonna visit Cherish. Dave hasn't visited her in a while so I wanna see how she's doing.

"Well it can't. If we gonna get back together I have some stuff to get off my chest." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Like I said. It can wait." I grabbed my purse and phone and walked downstairs.

The kids were in school and Malaysia was in daycare and Dave was in my house being a pain in the ass.

"Karin I need to talk to you." I looked at him. "When I come back." I left the house and drove over to the hospital where Cherish was being held.

When I got there I had to put everything in there. "How is she?" I asked and she shrugged.

"She had a recent episode. Shes not taking her meds but the doctors said she improved since she came." I walked down the long white hallway.

"What you mean?" I asked her. "When she first came she refused to make any friends, she didnt wanna eat but now she has a group of friends and shes eating, just not taking her meds."

When I got to her door she opened it and I walked inside.

Cherish was sitting on the bed writing in a book when she looked up at me her face instantly lit up. "Mom!" She hugged me and I hugged her back.

I missed my baby. "Hey baby. How you been?" She shrugged and sat back down and I sat next to her.

"I wanna come home. I miss you." I laughed. "Your leaving soon. They said your doing so much better. You just gotta take your meds." She scrunched up her face.

"They stopped giving me my meds my second day here. I haven't had any medication for my  chest pains or my schizophrenia." She said and I sighed.

"When you leave you have to take the medicine." She nodded. "So how was jail?" She smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"It was a pure living hell. I couldn't even bathe in private." I shivered thinking of all the things I saw in there.

She laughed. We then talked about any and everything under the sun until it was time for me to go.

I hugged her then I left crying as I went back to my car.


Hours after my mom left my therapist came in and I was starting to like her. She helped me become creative about my feelings. "Hey cherish. Did you write down your feelings like I told you?" She asked sitting in her white chair.

"No but I made up a song instead it's in the tune of twinkle twinkle little star." She nodded and I sang.

"I have feelings you do too, let's all sing about a few. I am happy, I am sad, I get scared, I get mad. I am proud of being me, that's a feeling too you see. I have feelings you do too we just sang about a few."

She nodded smiling. "That's a beautiful song about your feelings." I smiled proud of myself.

"Now let's see your notebook and see some poems you wrote." I gave her my journal and she flipped through it till she saw something worth talking about.

"Read me this one." She gave me my notebook back.

"She sat alone, alone and at home, where her screams were silent but her mind was violent. Her insecurities hid deep inside and they did indeed eat her alive.
She took her blade and tore her skin, where her depression lied deep within.
This went on for days, months and years until she cried her very last tear.
She decided that she had had enough, the world around her was just too tough.
She took a gun to her head, congratulations voices she is dead."

I looked up at Mary, my therapist, who looked at me with sad eyes.

"What does this poem mean?" She asked me and I shrugged. "It just came to me one day." She shook her head and wrote something down in her notebook.

"Let's do another one."

"She says shes fine
But shes going insane.
She says she feels good
But she's in a lot of pain.
She says its nothing
But it's really alot.
She says shes okay
But shes really not." I said.

"What's that one mean?" I looked up at her.

"It means that just because someone says their okay and theres nothing wrong it doesnt always mean its true. They lie so they dont drag anybody else into their dark hole with them." I told her and she nodded.

"Well that one poem. Your homework is to decipher it. Try to figure out what it means. Only you know because your the one who wrote it." I nodded.

"Did you take your medicine?" I shook my head. "They haven't been giving me my medication for nothing."

"I'll get it for you." Then she left.


I took a deep breath and counted to 20. I laid down and shut my eyes trying to ignore the voices.

I see you still ain't kill her, just do it...

When the angry voices start to sprout

Nobody loves you. Just die already...

Always remember to count.

That dumbass saying isn't gonna make me go away...

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath counting to 10. The therapist came in and left my meds on a table and left again.

Oh Cherish...

Fantasy | CompletedDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora