Chapter 14

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I went back to the house that used to be home. It felt like jail. When I went into that house I wanted to walk right back the hell out.

My body was in so much damn pain from the officer slamming me like that. He was literally touching all over me making me mad uncomfortable, if Jordan saw that he would've went ballistic.

I then recieved flashbacks and I blacked out so I slapped the cop. That's why he slammed me. I thought we were gonna be put in the system but we came here instead.

I looked at his new girlfriend in disgust. She had the looks just not the brains.

"Guys this is Julissa. Yall new mom." He said and I rolled my eyes. "I think not. My momma is Karin Jinsui not no damn Julissa." I said and DJ agreed.

"I agree. Shes not our mom and she better not start actin like it." He looked her up and down and she face palmed herself.

"NO BECAUSE YO DIRTY ASS GOT MY MOM SHOT THE FUCK SHE DO TO YOU!" I shouted as I realized my mom might not make it. I couldn't even see her because Dave didn't want me to.

He gripped up my shirt and my eyes widened. "Dont yell up in here like that. Yo mom got herself shot." He said getting in my face. "Move." I gritted.

He shoved me away. "Go to yall rooms." We all went to our rooms, well we all went to my room.

"Can't believe hes acting like this." DJ mumbled. "Yall I found drugs in his room. Multiple bags of pills." Kairi said and I looked at her.

"Oh hell no! We not stayin here. Not while he doin this or takin that shit." I said standing up.

"Cherry calm down." DJ said and Laysia came over to me. "Want mommy." I picked her up and rocked her back and forth. "Me too."

I turned my phone back on and I had so many texts and calls from my friends. I called Delilah back first.

"Girl I thought yo ass died. Where you at?" She said. "I'm goin through stuff. Ima tell you later tho." We talked a bit longer until I got sleepy.

I put DJ and Laysia in their rooms and went to sleep.


"DJ baby, wake up." He heard a soft humming voice. At first he thought it was Cherish getting him up for school but instead it was  Julissa.

He sat up and looked at her rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He frowned at Julissa who was half naked. Only wearing her bra and panties.

"Why you in my room waking me up. Lemme sleep damn." He mumbled. "Oh hush up boy." She said taking his blanket off him.

Since he was 12 Julissa knew it was gonna be harder to do what she wanted.

"Hey." He said getting up but she pushed him back on his bed and sat next to him. "Relax baby boy." She said kissing all over him. He was disgusted and tried to push her.

"Stop! What are you doing?" He started to yell but she put a sock in his mouth and got her tape making sure nobody could hear him.

She took her duct tape and taped his hands together behind his back. She wasted no time ripping his clothes off.


Next morning I went downstairs to get something to eat when I walked in on Dave. He was popping pills like them shits were candy.

I walked past him and went into the kitchen getting a box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch. These shits are fuckin bomb. Argue if you wanna these shits were good.

I sat down and texted Jordan.

Pooh 😘: Hey srry abt not answerin yo texts I been goin thru sum stuff.

Eating my cereal Dave walked in the kitchen and I ignored him. "Hey Cherry baby." He said and again I ignored him.

"You dont hear me talkin to you?" He asked and I rolled my eyes. "I hear you, just not obligated to talk to you." I said going back to my cereal.

He sucked his teeth and sat next to me rubbing my thigh. "Dave move yo hand." I said shoving his hand away. He made a growling noise. He was on the drugs and it was making him crazy.

Making him do shit he normally wouldn't do. It wasnt him talkin or doing anything it was them drugs.

"Girl shut up." He said putting his hand back on my thigh. This time I stood up. "Dave I said move." He sucked his teeth.

"You ain't tell yo daddy to move now did ya?" He said coming closer to me. I took a deep breath and counted to ten. "Please move." He got in my face so I pushed him and ran to my room locking my door.

He banged a few times before I heard the front door shut. I got everyone up and we drove to see my mom.




When I got to the hospital I saw Grandma Ny and Nana C. "Guys how is she?" I asked them tears filling my eyes. "She can hear us but she just in a coma." Nana said and I shut my eyes..

Malaysia sat on Nana's lap and Kairi sat in a empty chair.
DJ just stood there.

He was quiet ever since I woke him up but I dismissed it as him just waking up. I walked into the room and looked at my mother's body and sat next to her.

I put my hand in hers as tears fell. "Mom please wake up. We need you. Dave tried something with me. I wanna go with you so please dont leave us." I choked.

I felt her squeeze my hand but her eyes were still shut. "Please mama. I miss you."

We all miss you.

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