Chapte 16

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It's been a week and Karin still wasnt out the hospital. She could talk and dad still wouldn't let us see her so we'd sneak over there. Except  Cherish who stayed ever since she woke up.

DJ is still acting off and whenever I ask him if there's something he wants to tell me he says no. So now when I leave I take both of them with me. Ion trust my dad anymore and I sure as hell don't trust Julissa ass.

I'm in my room playing with Laysia while DJ was still supposed to be in school playing basketball.

Dad finally said we could go back to school and I've been hanging around Delilah, Zyaire and sometimes Jordan. Hes always with Chy a bitch ion like.

She reminds me of Julissa.

Walking downstairs to get some juice for Laysia I saw Dave feeling up on Cherish.

"Dave I said stop! YOUR ACTING JUST LIKE MY DAMN FATHER YOU ASSHOLE!" She sat on the floor and cried.

I ran to her and hugged her. "Cherish calm down. What's wrong?" I asked her but she just cried. "Nah I'll stop when I get what I want."

I snapped I had enough I stood up to him. "Dad you need to stop with them drugs. Go to a rehab or something but you need to stop. Your slowly ripping this family apart. You took Karin from us hell you took Cherish from her own mom when she ain't even yo blood daughter!

"She got shot and is in the hospital why can't you see what your doing?" I cried and he slapped me so I threw the cup at his head.

He looked at me with black eyes. "What the hell Kairi?" He yelled and he pushed her. "Mind yo damn business!" He shouted.

"Stop!" Cherish cried but my head hurt and I was slipping in and out of consciousness.


"Dave you completely lost it!" I ran to Kairi but she shut her eyes. "Kai open your eyes!" Tears fell from my eyes. Dave yanked me back and took his pants off. I kicked him right in his dick making him groan and fall to the floor.

"DJ MALAYSIA GET DOWN HERE!" I shouted and they came running down the stairs. "Help me DJ!" I grabbed my keys from the table and we carried Kairi to my car.

After they all got into the car I drove off. Malaysia wasnt even in her damn seat so after I was at least a mile away I pulled over and put her in her seat.

"Where we goin?" DJ asked and I shrugged. "Ion know." Tears fell from my eyes as I was reminded of my dad.

The way he beat me. The way he raped me. The lies he told me. I shed tear after tear.

"Jesus my head." I looked and saw Kairi waking up. We drove to Dave's mom house.

When we got there and we all got out I knocked on the door. "Well look at who--" She looked at our state.

My shirt was ripped, DJ had this panicked look on his face, Malaysia was crying and Kairi was holding her head her face contorted in pain.

"Babies oh come in." We all piled inside. "What happened?" She asked. "Your son is what happened. He lost his head." We told her everything.

From the drugs to now. "Oh God. Yall stayin with me until Karin gets out the hospital." I sighed in relief. We all went our rooms and I laid on my bed looking at the ceiling.

"Cherish damn it stop being so damn stubborn, I just want some fun." He said trying to take off her pants but she kept moving his hands. "Daddy please don't. I'm sleepy."  She cried and he smirked. "Daddy will give you something that will put you right to sleep."

I cried my eyes out. Dave. The man that I thought would've made us all happy. This was completely my fault.

I sniffled.

Kill yourself...


Nobody wants you...

"That's not true." I cried.

You put your mom in the hospital...

"Stop! Get out my head!" I cried.

You deserve to die...

"I know. Just please leave me alone." I cried. The voices still wouldn't be quiet and I saw a wire on the floor.

"Maybe if I just killed myself everyone would be happy." I hiccuped.

"But Malaysia needs me."

No she doesn't. You'll just make her life worse. Shes better off without you.

I sat up and went to grab the wire but before I could do anything DJ walked in. "Can I talk to you?" He asked and I nodded. "What's up bubba?" I put the wire down.

"Dad..he.." I frowned. "What?" I asked him. "Dave said that he would kill you if I didnt convince you to do what he wanted."

I frowned and hugged him. "Dave ain't gon do nothing."

I wanted to believe that but I knew by know Dave was unpredictable he could and would do anything in his fucked up state.

I love him so much and I want him to get help

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