"Easy, we sneak into the Stark house while Rhodes is distracting him." She said nonchalantly. Making it sound like the easiest thing in the world.

"I'm sorry, we?"

Natasha looked at him with a smile. "Yes we. Bruce, Clint, you and I."

"Oh no, I won't break into someone's house, Nat." Steve refused as he focused his mind on the game in front of him again. Not wanting to take any part in Natasha's "plan".

"Steve c'mon. We're not gonna steal anything." She said.

"Then what are you gonna do?"

"We." She corrected. "I had a schedule, but thanks to my parents I can't have the party at my place so the first part must be done in Stark's house."

"Which is?" Steve asked uninterestedly.

"Party stuff. Now, are you coming or not?"

Steve sighed deeply, knowing that this would definitely not end well. In fact he had just become friends with the genius, why ruin it again? But still, it was for a good thing they were gonna do a break-in. It was a birthday party for Stark after all, nothing bad.

"Fine. When?"

Nat smiled satisfied. "Sunday afternoon.  2PM. Be there."


*Timeskip cause I'm a lazy ass bitch*

Sunday afternoon. 2PM. Fuck this was a bad idea. Why did he agree to this again?
Oh right because he is a nice person. But why now. This won't end well. Why did he even come to this place? Why didn't he just run when he had the chance?

"Hey Rogers if you hit a poor lady's dog, I won't help you run from the police." Clint's joking voice was heard from back in the seats. He had his eyes glued to his phone screen while tapping his thumbs on the screen.                                                                                                                         Steve snapped out of his thoughts as his eyes traveled to the back mirror with a raised eyebrow before locking them on the road again. Not knowing what else to do but smile an amused smile.

"And if he hit the lady?" Nat asked with a smirk from beside him in the passenger seat.

"Then I'll help him hit the dog too, and then run. Without him."

"Noted." Steve answered with a small laugh as Natasha rolled her eyes at her friend.

"Why do we have to do this now?" Bruce asked with a little whiney voice.

"Because there might not come another opportunity to check out his house and plan decorations this week! I mean we still have to distract him on Friday when everything is getting settled." Nat said with a high voice, getting frustrated with all the questions and doubts in her planning schedule.

Steve snorted quietly, thinking about how unlucky the person who's gonna distract him on Friday will be. Tony is probably not the easiest to distract. Mostly because he never pays attention to anything but his own thoughts.

"Just admit it Nat, you just wanna take a look at Tony's stuff." Bruce said with a tired smile.

"No I don't." She answered calmly and threw her friend a look.

Steve wrinkled his forehead questionable. "Have non of you been to Stark's place?" He asked surprised.

"Nope." Clint answered, popping the P with a nonchalant glare.

My SEXY enemy (Stony Highschool AU)Where stories live. Discover now