"Dude. You're here!"

"Miss my omeletes already?" He let go of me and looked me up and down before whistling.

"Nice... Oh! The twins can't wait to see you again."

"Eric and Hugh?" I turned to Des.

"Eric and Ben." Des nodded slowly at the fact I corrected her before shaking her head.

"I'll never remember that." Drew chuckled as he wrapped his arm around her waist.

"So the twins are here?" Matt shrugged and I smiled slightly.

"Come on. I'l take you all to them." Matt grabbed my wrist and started hauling me.

"Well he sure is interesting..." Des muttered and I snickered.

"He eats a lot too." Matt glared over his shoulder at me. I smiled sheepishly and I suddenly felt really awkward knowing Hunter was somewhere around here. We headed into the front door and the noise hit my ears causing me to flinch slightly. My nose was filled with the overpowering smell of alcohol and sweat like the source of the smell was shoved up my nose. I glanced around quickly speeding up to hide behind Matt slightly.

"He's up in his room." I nodded slowly and turned arund to see Des and Drew following me. I felt someone grab my ass and I let out a small yelp as I turned around to find who had done it but I couldn't see anyone. Des pointed to a guy on her right and I smirked when Drew made the guy tip his drink over himself. "They should be in the kitchen still..." All of a sudden Matt disappeared as we entered the kitchen and I was pushed into the wall.

As soon as I looked forward my stomach churned. There was Hunter gulping down an entire bottle of vodka. That wasn't healthy or right. I made sure I stuck to the side of his peripherals as I moved around the kitchen. He turned around though and froze when he saw me. I done the same thing before turning around and heading straight out of the kitchen.

"Angel! There you are!" I heard someone say as a twin moved in front of me. I plastered on a fake smile and Eric took a large swig out of his drink.

"Should you be drinking? Aren't you underage?"

"Aren't you?"

"I'm not drinking." Eric rolled his eyes and I laughed. "Where's Ben? I thought twins never separated?" Eric just stared at me like I was an idiot and I put on a fake smile.

"Ha. Ha. So funny I forgot to laugh." He had a teasing smirk on his face. "What were you trying to get away from?" Eric asked looking over my shoulder towards the kitchen and I gulped before turning. Hunter wasn't there anymore but there was the vodka bottle he was drinking from and it was empty.

"Hunter." I was surprised that he could hear me over the loud, pulsating music that seemed to be coming from every direction.

"Yeah what happened between you two?" I bit my lip and shrugged which made him sigh and grab my wrist. He led me over towards a vacant lounge and I sat down at one end while he occupied the other. He offered me his cup but I just waved it away. "So. Spill." I looked down at my lap.

I could tell him. What's the worst that could happen? Him tell Hunter? "So we can figure out which one of you has to apologise first." I looked at him with my jaw wide open and shook my head. He gave me stupid puppy dog eyes which I immediately fell for because it looked so cute with his scruffy hair and big dark blue eyes.

"Fine." He sat up straighter which made me sigh. "Short version of course." Eric nodded.

"Isn't he a bit young for you?" A girly voice cut in and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh yeah. 'Cause I only talk to guys when I 'want them'." I used my fingers for extra effect of sarcasm.

"Hey. Angel's cool so back off before I kick you out of my house." Her eyes widened and he turned back to me. "Now. On with the story." He waved me on and I gulped but smirked when she stormed off.

"Hunter... Almost bit me again. The big thing about it is the fact that he only marked me lightly and continuously thinks that I want Bret."

"Who's Bret?"

"My mate." He nodded slowly. "Anyway. I have told Hunter so many times that I don't want to be with Bret and I would prefer him mark me properly but he always refuses. It took me ages just to get him to bite me lightly. Yesterday after he almost bit me he freaked out and ran out of the bathroom. I tried to comfort him but then he brought up the whole fact that he didn't want to bite me because I had a mate. I lost it getting sick of Hunter always saying that I'm going to be with Bret. Hell, I don't even like Bret that way. Basically it came down to the fact that I didn't think he could trust me and I told him that I trusted him because..." I shut my eyes. "Because I love him." The last sentence came out in a rush and my throat closed up as tears burned my eyes. I swallowed hard and they started going back down and disappearing. I was over crying right now.

"What did he say?" I shrugged.

"I think I'l go apologise. Save him some pride." Eric held out his cup and I scrunched up my face before taking it and downing it quickly. I choked and spluttered even though I had swallowed it all. "Oh god that's strong!" I heard Eric snicker at my reaction.

"Good luck." I nodded and coughed onto my hand still feeling the burning in my throat.

"Whatever that was I'm not drinking that again." I muttered walking off towards the stairs. I knew my way around now as sad as that seemed and I walked up the stairs convincing myself that I could do this. I won't back down. I chorused over and over in my head but it soon faded as soon as I saw Hunter's door. My heart beat sped up as I slowed down towards his door. The burning sensation had disappeared and I reached Hunter's door which was slightly ajar.

I pushed it open quietly and what I saw rocked me to my core making my blood run hot and cold. I froze and my hand moved to my mouth as I let out a quiet sob. Hunter was on top of a girl making out with her and to make it all worse of all people it was goddamn Charlotte! Tears burned my eyes fiercely as I turned and rushed away. I felt like my heart was being crushed into millions of miniscule pieces as I fought for air. I hurried down the stairs which were blurry and vaguely saw Des and Drew talking to the twins.

"Angel?!" I cried harder behind my hand as I rushed out of the house as fast as I could. I felt someone grab my arm and I turned around hoping beyond anything that it wouldn't be him with those gorgeous oceanic eyes. Instead of them I saw Des' eyes. "What happened?"

"Nothing. He was too busy making out with a girl." My lips went into a thin line as the tears started coming down faster. I rushed off towards my car ripping my arm out of Des' limp grip. My whole body felt numb while my heart was aching worse than when I had changed and my skin had been ripped apart.

"Angel!" I pulled my keys out and started the car before speeding off above the speed limit but I didn't care. I just had to get away... I was vaguely aware that it started raining but it was hard to tell the difference while I was still crying. Sobs wracked my whole system hurting my ribs everytime as I could see Hunter on top of her again. If I had thought that getting back together with him was hard it was nothing like seeing him with another girl. Angel whatever happened come back! It was Bret's voice and he was using his Alpha tone but I made the pedal hit the floor. N-No.

I realised what I was doing and slowed down to the correct speed even though I had no idea where I was. I cried harder hating how Hunter had had his hands in her hair and was kissing her like he had kissed me before so many times. I reached up and quickly wiped my eyes before looking at the road. I screamed as I saw the two wolves on the road and swerved to the left. SHIT! My car started spinning on the road before I felt like I was flying in my seat as the front windscreen cracked. With a jolt the whole car stopped and I sobbed as I was crushed. My eyes started closing and I saw the two wolves. The last thing I thought of was how protective the larger wolf was of the smaller one...


Da da! THE END!

**All Rights Reserved**

Surrounded By Werewolves...जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें