Fed up of the teasing that she had got from her teammates at practice each night this week, Beca decided to make a stop to it. She walked into school later than usual, hearing the bell ring out when she got out of her car. Knowing that everyone would be waiting to speak to her before homeroom she instead got to school later, meaning she could avoid being seen.

Walking through the empty hallways, she lifted her cap to run a hand through her hair before pulling it back down. "Beca", the sound of her name caused the soccer star to look over her shoulder, spotting Jasmine now walking quicker to meet her.

"I can't talk, I'm late for homeroom", Beca spun back round to get away from the girl. She rolled her eyes when she felt Jasmine grip onto her bicep with her talans, turning her round to face her.

"Are you going to Joey's party on Friday?", the cheerleader kept her hand rested on Beca's arm as the soccer captain didn't miss the lust filled gaze staring back at her.

"Yes I am, are we done here?", Beca tried to move away again, only to be stopped when Jasmine placed her other hand on her stomach, stepping closer to press their bodies together.

The brunette watched as Jasmine's eyes swept to the floor and then back up to lock eyes with her. Beca couldn't help but flick her gaze down to the girls lips when she saw the cheerleader bite on it softly. Shaking her head rid of any thoughts Beca sighed as she waited for Jasmine to speak.

"We haven't hung out in a long time", the cheerleader whispered huskily as she leaned forward so she was next to Beca's ear. "Maybe we can have some fun on Friday", Jasmine winked as she pulled away from Beca slightly.

The sound of a door closing from further down the now abandoned hallway made both girls nap their heads to the source of the noise. Beca felt all of the oxygen leave her body when she watched Chloe wall out of the girls bathroom.

"Whoops", Jasmine smirked before letting her hand lazily move down Beca's arm while moving to walk away to her own class.

Beca gulped when she locked eyes with the redhead, noticing the shocked expression cross her face before Chloe turned and quickly walked towards the classroom. "Chloe", Beca tugged on the strap of her backpack as she jogged down the hallway, "Chlo, wait"

"You don't need to explain anything to me Beca", Chloe stopped at the door of the classroom for a second to speak to the soccer star. Beca then saw the hurt look on Chloe's face when the beautiful cheerleader glanced her way for a second. "It's not as if we're together or anything, you can do what you want", she shrugged her shoulders before opening the door to the classroom and walking in, not letting Beca reply or explain any further.

Beca sighed angrily as she rubbed a hand down her face. "If you wasn't so scared to tell her how you feel you wouldn't keep fucking it all up", she rolled her eyes at her own subconscious before taking a deep breath and walking into the classroom. She ignored the sound of Mr Jones speaking at the front of the room as Beca instantly tried to gain the attention of the bubbly redhead, who instead was keeping her focus on the boring teacher.

"Mitchell, are you just gonna stand there all day?", Beca blinked out her stare now at the sound of her name again. Looking around the room at the rest of her classmates she noticed every pair of eyes on here except Chloe, who instead looked down at her phone.

Beca slowly moved through the desks towards her empty seat at the back. "Bite me Jones", she mumbled under her breath so it was only loud enough for the students she walked past to hear and laugh at.


"So what happened this morning? Why was you late to homeroom?", Stacie elbowed her best friend as the two of them sat on the bleachers waiting for practice to start.

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