Chapter 14

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Inside the master bedroom of the house, the curtains were pulled aside which revealed the rain hitting on the window. It was creating an eerie sound in the still silence of the room.

Tyson slowly opened his eyes and fixed his blurred vision. When it became better, he looked up and saw a blade positioned right in front of his eyes.

Ray stood on a stool and slowly brought the blade near his eyes as if he wanted to poke his eye out with it

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Ray stood on a stool and slowly brought the blade near his eyes as if he wanted to poke his eye out with it. Tyson jerked and wanted to push himself away but he realised that he couldn't move at all. He looked down from the corner of his eyes and saw that his arms and legs were strapped on a chair with belts. Tyson didn't realise that the kid could be so clever to tie him up but he figured that he should really stop underestimating him at this point.

"You are awake?"

Tyson didn't reply and looked at him with horror in his eyes. He didn't know what this kid would do next. Poke his eye out? Skin him alive?!

"Let's play big brother."

"I don't want to play with you godamnit!" Of course he wouldn't say that out loud. Ray pouted when he saw his expression and got down from the stool, Tyson sighed in relief when he saw that but then he saw him picking up a pair of pliers which were so heavy for him that he had to use his both hands to hold them.

He came back and looked up at him with a smile.

"May's doll needs new fingers. I broke them by accident a few days ago."

Tyson's breathe hitched when he realised what the kid wanted to do.

"AaaaAahhH!" He yelled out in fear and shook the chair. Ray looked at him freaking out and chuckled. Tyson was looking at him like he was a devil.

Ray took the pliers and held his pinky finger between them. Tyson wanted to grab his hand back but it was held firmly by Ray. He didn't do the motion of plucking them out but pressed the pliers together until a crunch sound was heard as Tyson's fingers broke, it made him scream out in pain. Ray looked at his broke finger and was satisfied. He flinched when Tyson screamed right at his face.

Moments later, Tyson's muffled screams could be heard in the room as his mouth was tightly tied up by a cloth. Ray once again held his finger inside the pliers and pressed. He didn't stop until he had broken at least four of the fingers on his left hand.

"That's better. I saw in movies that plucking out nails can hurt but I'm not sure. Should we find out?" Ray put on a thoughtful face and looked curiously at Tyson who was violently shaking his head.

"NO! I don't want to find out!" He seemed to be screaming through the cloth.

Ray laughed with his cute voice and held one of his nails under the pliers. He seemed to be waiting until Tyson's fear is raised to the max before pulling the pliers and his nail was plucked out. His muffled screaming was even louder this time. Tears were streaming down his face, he had lost his manly pride and was bawling heavily.

He plucked off more of his nails but all of them from his right hand so now, both of his hands were burning in pain.

Tyson badly wanted someone to come and save him. "Somebody...please come!"

"TYSON!!!" The door to the room was pushed open and Emily rushed in with her shotgun. Ray looked at the newcomer and frowned. Emily saw Tyson tied up on the chair with bloody fingers, she was startled for a moment before pointing her shotgun at the little kid who was glaring at her.

Emily really wanted to pull the trigger and end the kid right in front of her. She's had enough of these siblings and thought that she would go mad if she sees them any longer. She pressed on the trigger and was about to shoot.

"DON'T SHOOT!!!" Tyson shouted at her when he saw the killing intent in her eyes. Emily froze and looked at Tyson in surprise. He endured the pain and said with a trembling voice.

"He's just a kid. You can't kill him..."

"Look what he did to you Tyson! What he did to all of us!!!" Emily shouted back and touched her face that was dripping with blood.

"BUT STILL!!! I know what they did but we can't kill them okay? Killing isn't the only option all the time..." he paused, took a breath and looked at Ray who was staring blankly at him. He couldn't figure out what thoughts were running through this little boy's mind. "Aren't you doing the same?"

Ray didn't give a response and continued to stare at him. Tyson and him were almost doing a staring match with each other. Eventually, Ray spoke up.

"Killing is illegal..."

Emily scoffed, "So you know what's illegal now?" She said which earned her a glare from Ray.

"I'm a law ab-ab-abiding citizen! Not like you!" He pointed the pliers in his hands at her.

Emily and Tyson looked at each other and wondered what sort of impression the kid has of them. They literally worked for the law.

She pointed the gun back at him, she wouldn't shoot but scare him.

"Look, let him go and I won't hurt you."

Ray was displeased but didn't move from his position. He seemed to express that if she wants to shoot, she is welcome to. This attitude made Emily furious! She completely missed the footsteps that were coming closer to the room while she was busy being angry at Ray.

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