Chapter 9

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Suddenly the door shook as if something was being hit against it. The knob jiggled and cracks began to form on the wood near the lock.

Jack cursed and quickly opened the window of the room. He walked up to May and wanted to grab her again but she struggled,  and Jack was almost out of time.

May was looking at Jack with hateful eyes. Just as Jack was about to grab her teddy bear to throw it away, he felt a painful burning sensation in his hand. He saw that a cloth scissor had been stabbed right into his hand and the edge was poking out. The other end was held by the little girl as she glared at him and twisted the scissors which made him yell out.


May pulled the scissors that was dripping with blood and slashed it across his abdomen.

"GET AWAY!!!" She shouted with her little voice and once again pushed the scissors into his stomach. Jack was shocked by her attacks and couldn't counter in time, he could only scream in pain. The scissors had cut a big part of his abdomen and he was loosing out a lot of blood but May didn't seemed to have any plans to stop..

 The scissors had cut a big part of his abdomen and he was loosing out a lot of blood but May didn't seemed to have any plans to stop

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Jack pushed himself away and tried to stand up while holding tightly to his abdomen. He felt the torturous pain from his stomach and fell down on the tiny bed in the room which was instantly covered in blood.

May's clothes were splattered with blood and her teddy bear looked like another mess in her hands. Jack wondered where she got the scissors from? it wasn't in her hands before, he was sure of it. Then his eyes fell on the torn apart bear as realisation dawned on him. The scissor was hidden inside the bear?

A loud noise came from the door and the banging stopped. The door slowly opened to reveal Eddie standing there with a baseball bat in his hands. He walked into the room and took in the bloody scene. His eyes held some worry when he came in but it disappeared when he saw May standing near the bed, safe and sound.

He looked at the bloody mess that was Jack and nodded in approval. He rubbed her head gently.


May looked up with tearful eyes.

"May was scared."

"Well, he won't hurt you now, that's for sure."

Jack, who was listening to their conversation felt blood rush up to his head. Why did it seem like he was the bad guy here?

Eddie bent down next to May. "You go downstairs to Ella okay? Stay with her." May nodded and scuttled out of the room while holding the scissors close to her chest. She closed the door after her.

Eddie smiled and looked at Jack lying on the bed.

"Now, What to do with you?" He swung the bat in his hand and closed in on him. Jack was staring with wide eyes as Eddie came near.

"I still haven't forgotten." He pointed at the wound on his forehead which he got from the broken glass of the table.

"But I already made your friend pay for that." He put on a thoughtful look. His eyes went towards the open window and he looked out of it, at the pool in the backyard. He smiled and grabbed Jack's leg.

"Leave me you stupid brat!" Jack struggled but felt the stinging pain in his abdomen and groaned.

"I don't think you're in the position to argue here." Eddie said, and continued to drag him towards the open window. He lifted his bat and hit his head, making blood run down his face then threw his body out of the window. A splash was heard as Jack's body hit the water and sank in the swimming pool.

Eddie closed the window and turned the latch

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Eddie closed the window and turned the latch. He looked at the blood dripping down from the bed.

He took his bat and stained it with the blood on the bed and walked out of the room

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He took his bat and stained it with the blood on the bed and walked out of the room.

Lucas who had just turned the corner stopped when he saw the boy leaving a room and slowly walked back and peeked from behind the wall. He saw the bloody bat in his hand and gulped. His red hair covered half his eyes which looked blankly in front of him.

Lucas frowned, this boy looked like a normal child but now gave a person a feeling of horror, especially after seeing him covered in blood. He remembered his room filled with sports posters and trophies, it looked like a completely normal room of a young boy. He even saw some superhero comics on the desk, this made Lucas feel that the kid isn't usually like this which made him think back to the reason as to why he was attacking them all like this.

Just because they broke into his house?

Another thing that bothered him was the house they were in. There were no pictures on the walls from which he could find out about these children or whether they were actually Klein Roberts' children.

He took out his phone and messaged Devin.

"Where are you?"

He got his reply very quickly.

"Who is this?"

Lucas was impressed by Devon's vigilance. He figured that his phone might come into the hands of those siblings, and they might trick him.


"Prove it."

"You've never had a girlfriend before."

"...Something else."

"We caught Tyson watching my little pony last night."

"I'm in the basement"

"I'm coming."

Lucas pocketed his phone and looked back into the corridor from behind the wall. Eddie was gone. He was a little startled but silently tip toed his way towards the stairs.

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