Chapter 6

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Devin was panting as he looked at the girl in front of him with a complex look in his eyes. The fight had gone for quite a while but it  hadn't taken a toll on her at all. She stood like a statue, in the middle of the unlit room, and patiently waited for Devin to make his next move. Her unhurried and indifferent eyes made contact with his.

"You're hurt."

"Huh?" These were the first words she had said since she appeared, it took him back for a second.

"Your chest, to the left."

Devin widened his eyes in surprise. On a mission, a few months ago, he got shot in the chest and the wound still hadn't fully recovered but he was sure that it wouldn't affect his fighting ability at all but Ella pointed it out after exchanging a few moves with him. He gazed at the lounge door impatiently.

"Where the hell are my teammates?! Come help me goddamnit!" He thought in his head.


"Peter saw the shed in the backyard and regained some of his courage

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"Peter saw the shed in the backyard and regained some of his courage. Shed meant tools. Tools meant something to fight with. The more dangerous the better." Peter typed into his phone while muttering and ran up to the shed. It was raining heavily and he was wet all over.

Luckily, the shed door wasn't locked. He opened the door and shuffled in. The whole space was filled with gardening tools and seeds of different varieties. Peter saw roses, daises, hyacinths and even sunflowers but his focus was on the sharp gardening tools.

He grabbed a shovel but it was too heavy to wave around. A name was carved on the handle.

"Eddie...?" He placed the shovel back and picked up the sharp hedge shears. Their sharpness satisfied him.

"Now Peter can go save his teammates." He typed and pocketed his phone. He turned to walk out of the shed but froze, his grip on the shears tightened.

Leaning on the shed door was a familiar red haired boy. His hair were wet and blood was pouring down his face as he looked viciously at him.

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