Chapter 13

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"Devin, come here!" Lucas was holding a pair of lab skeletons by their necks. He was standing near a door situated at the back of the basement, it led to a small operation room which was filled with the scent of disinfectant and medicine. A lone stretcher lay in the middle of the dusty room, a few shards of glass were lying on the floor, and the paint of the roof and the walls was coming off. The hinges of the metal door leading inside were rusty and needed oiling. The room seemed to be abandoned for years.

Devin pushed the door even more open which made a harsh sound as it dragged across the floor. The sound made them cringe as they both looked towards the door of the basement in alarm. They sighed in relief when no footsteps were heard outside the basement door. They walked into the dark room with their flashlights.

"Seems like something illegal was happening here after all. I knew the parents wouldn't be normal after looking at their kids." Lucas pointed his flashlight at the broken cupboard in the corner and saw something scurry past it. It looked like a mouse and Lucas hoped that there were just mice in the room, and not anything else. He had seen too many lab horror movies.

Devin seemed unbothered by Lucas' fear and looked around the room curiously.

"It's probably the room that was shown in the pictures, at least in most of them."

"You mean it's happening elsewhere as well?" He stopped near the stretcher where numerous dead bodies had been placed in the past and scrunched his eyebrows. "Are we still investigating Klein Roberts?"

"I'm not sure. Doesn't seem like it. We don't know anything about what actually happened in this room."

Devin bent down to pick up a pair of lab goggles. An initial was written on the side with a permanent marker.


The rest of the name was indecipherable.

"I think there's a kid named Eddie in the house but this name has four letters..." Lucas scratched the back of his neck.

"So the axe kid you talked about is called Eddie huh?" Devin dropped the goggles and stood up.

"Most probably."

"I'd like to meet him." Devin smiled meaningfully which made Lucas stare at him in horror.

"I thought you're in here to hide?"

Devin glared at him. "Im not a coward. I found some interesting stuff in here so I stayed. I'm the only one who fought and escaped from that girl unscathed, remember? Why will I be afraid?

Lucas rolled his eyes behind his back but he had to admit that Devin was the strongest among them. Even he wasn't confidant in himself that he will be able to face off against Ella. Although, he hadn't met her yet but he knew enough about her from Mia.

"She seems like a very tough opponent."

"You have no idea, her skills are very precise and neatly executed, if she was working for the ICF, she would have been a legend." Devin said. Although he was praising her but Lucas could hear the underlying warning.

"That good?"

"Yes, if we make it out of here, I would like you all to have a match with her. You'll learn a lot."

Lucas flinched and hoped that Devin wouldn't actually make them fight Ella. That would be terrifying. Seeing how much he was praising her, Lucas couldn't help but give Devin a second glance.

"Right Leader, seeing how much you are praising her, you'll probably be asking her out the next time you meet her."

"I wouldn't mind actually..." His face went thoughtful for a second. "That is, if she doesn't kill me afterwards." Devin seemed pretty serious when he said that which made Lucas stare at him in horror once again. Devin chuckled and went out of room. 

"Don't keep your hopes up." Lucas muttered while shaking his head, and followed him out.

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