Chapter 2

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Tyson and Jack entered through the window and kept it open. They tip toed to the front door and unlocked it so the rest could enter. Devin and Peter quietly entered while Mia and Lucas stood outside to keep watch.

"So, where do we start looking?" Jack whispered and leaned closer. They were standing in an inconspicuous corner of the living room.

"We have to find the hidden compartment of the house. Check the usual places. Behind the shelves, stairs, room decorations etcetera. This guy is a billionaire, he would have used that money to make a secret compartment in the house. Me and Tyson would check this floor, you and Peter go upstairs." Devin gave each them the task, he was the team leader after all. Jack and Peter nodded and went out of the living room while he and Tyson began searching the ground floor.

"Geez, is it just me or this house is a little creepy?" Tyson rubbed his arms which were covered with goosebumps. He had just felt a shiver run down his spine while he was checking the paintings in the corridor. He looked down at the narrow and dark corridor and felt a little uncomfortable.

 "Focus on the task, Tyson

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"Focus on the task, Tyson." Devin said while he checked the antique pieces above the fireplace. Any of them could turn out to be a lever to a secret room.

Tyson shook his head and continued down the corridor. Outside, it had started to pour and the rain was splattering on the roof and creating an eerie sound as it continued to drip down the pipes outside the house.

He walked up to the end of the corridor and didn't find anything worthwhile. He turned and wanted to walk back to the living room when suddenly the thunder shook the sky's and brightened the corridor. The voltage was affected and the lamps on the ceiling lit up for a second.

Tyson was pressed against the wall as he stared at the darkness in front of him with wide eyes

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Tyson was pressed against the wall as he stared at the darkness in front of him with wide eyes. It wasn't his imagination, he had actually seen a thin silhouette standing in the middle of the corridor.

"Devin? Is that you?" Tyson called out, although he had a feeling that the thin silhouette couldn't possibly belong to Devin.

"I'm over here. What's wrong?" Devin looked out of the living room door, which was on the other side of the corridor. He had heard the quiver in Tyson's voice and came to check on him. He flashed his light towards him. In the lit hallway, there wasn't anyone at all.

Tyson pursed his lips. Maybe he saw wrong?

"Turn on your flashlight." Devin said and went back in. Tyson turned his flashlight on and ignored the weird feeling of being watched. He had, although placed one hand on the gun on his waist.

Outside, Mia and Lucas had to come in due to the rain.

"Stupid rain." Mia complained as she wiped off the water droplets on her black shades. Lucas gave her a glance then pointed at the living room. "Devin and Tyson are in there. You go join them while I'll go upstairs to join Jack and Peter."

Mia nodded and grumpily made her way to the living room. Lucas went up the stairs.

Upstairs, in a cutely decorated room, there were two twin beds situated in the middle. One of them was empty. A little girl of around six years old, walked up to her twin brother's bed and whispered, "Ray, there's someone in the house."

The little boy groaned and sat up on the bed. He looked at the little face of her sister. "I'll go down to check. Keep your teddy bear close okay?"

The little girl nodded and saw her brother twist the door knob open with his small hands and walk out of the room. He closed the door after him.


Jack was turning a chest of papers upside down on the office desk. He and Peter were in the study. They were trying to find any hidden compartment. The study was a very likely place for it to be in.

Peter was looking at Jack while typing on his phone.

"Peter didn't like that Jack was making such a mess on the desk. They can't leave any evidence of them being here. If they do, the Chief would punish them and Peter will find a reason to end his journey of the world."

Jack groaned. Why did Devin had to pair him up with this guy?

"You, Peter, go search the room in front of the study. Be useful for once!"

Peter was emotionless as he typed. "Peter has no idea what Jack was talking about. He had always been very useful and had won the award for the best team camaraderie last year."

"Just shut the hell up and leave!" Jack had enough of his muttering. Any more and he would have a headache. Peter turned around and left the room. Jack sighed in relief when he had left. He put the files back on the shelf and his eyes fell on a wooden statue of an almost naked female. He raised his eyebrows and tried to pick up the statue to take a closer look but it wouldn't budge. He pulled harder and the statue slid across the surface. He heard a grinding sound and the wall beside him pulled in to reveal a hidden path.

"Hallelujah!" Jack was pleasantly surprised and looked excitedly at the dark passageway.

"Hallelujah!" Jack was pleasantly surprised and looked excitedly at the dark passageway

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