1.27 First Love

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                                                                Leopold's P.O.V

Adak is not happy, the fact that slayers took Isabella alive instead of Adak coming in to kill her himself is a test. A test I need to pass, but I know damn well I wont.

I made a deal that love was out of the table the moment I became Adak assasine. For years I kept that promise it has been easy to keep to. Who needs love.

Falling in love with Isabella has already made me weak as I got on my knees in front of a disgusting human and beg him to take me instead of Isabella. Adak is bound to know about that and he'll be angry...

The memory of Isabella jumping in front of a silver bullet for me will haunt me forever.  The hunter put a silver stake next to her heart as a warning and I just stood there once again helpless.

"Don't do it, Leopold," I say to myself. I need to be smart and think this through. Going to the hunters by yourself is stupid. You need Adak and you already know he's behind all of this. Isabella will come back to you. Angry and maybe hating you but alive-

"FUCK! I can't. I'll go mad." I walk outside, grab a cigarette from my pocket, start smoking, and glare down the road.

"Leo!" Angela runs towards me and stands next to me. She has a glare on her face and looks like she was about to snap at me, but a look at me makes her frown. "What's wrong?"

"Isa has been taken-"

"By who?"

"The hunters," there's hate in my tone.

Angela stares at me as if she didn't understand what I just told her. "Why would they take her? She's a hunter too-"

"No she isn't nor she was," I snap at Angela.

"She was killing vampires since she was a kid. She came to this school to kill you," Angela's tone is sour, but there's a sense of relief hidden underneath it as well. 

I stare at Angela wondering if she ever cared about Isabella, or she was just using her from the very beginning. "She was not hunting them. Isabella only killed whoever crossed her path, and you know why she wanted to kill me."

She shrugs. "So if I try to kill you will you turn me into a vampire?" My eyebrow lifts up angrily at her comment. She gulps and changes the subject. "So what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to the council," I say standing up and walking away from the school.

"And say what?"

"We need to rescue Isabella-"

Angela laughs sarcastically. The laugh is very similar to Carmel. Making me frown at Angela.

"Are they even going to listen to you?" I glare at her as I keep walking away from the school. Angela starts to follow me. "Can I go with you?"

"They might kill you."

She shrugs and starts walking next to me. I roll my eyes at her and let her. If she wants to get herself in danger just to follow me. She could be my guess.

"I just don't want you doing something stupid," I stop and smirk at her. It's clear in her eyes. She's in love with me. Another first for me. I feel guilty for returning the one time she kissed me. I just wanted Isa to be jealous and try to fight for me. I shake my head remembering how that stupid plan backfired on me. The fucking kiss came back to bite me in the fucking ass. I should have known Isabella is different. I sigh as that realization sinks in. My heart is bound to Isabella Hathaway forever. "Leo, why are you so sure they are just going to listen to you?"

Between Love and Hate (Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now