Chapter 16 secrets come clean

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CCs pov:

Call me a clingy boyfriend if you want but I was worried. I had my vampire hearing tuned in so I was the first to hear the three sets of paws coming from out of the woods.

I stood up and Andy grabbed my arm. "Be careful CC. She seemed worried when she came to get ash and jake" he said and I nodded before going outside and setting my eyes on the black, white pawed wolf.

She licked her paw which was stained with a bit of red before turning. She flexed the hand and I heard the bones make a soft *pop* before she wiggled her fingers.

I smiled softly before moving towards her and pulling her into a tight hug. She smiled and closed her pretty brown eyes and wrapping her arms around me.

I moved one hand and tilted her head up. Before she opened her eyes I pressed our lips together.

She smiled and her arms slid up and around my neck as she pulled me to her.

She kissed me like she needed reassurance. As if she didn't know if I would leave her in the next minute.

Wait is that.... Alcohol on her breath?

Paige never drinks. Ever since she got kidnapped at the bar she can't stand it. So why do her lips taste like that?

She bit my lip and I jumped out of my little trance. "You ok baby?" She asked tilting her head to the side.

"Yea fine. Have you been drinking?" I asked and she blushed lightly looking down. "N-no"

"I taste alcohol" I said and she nodded. "I need to talk to you" she said and I nodded. "Ok but it's kind of late. Let's talk about it in the bunks."

She nodded and I wrapped an arm around her before walking on with her. We passed the guys and started walking to the back.

I was about to grab clothes when she grabbed my arm. "I want to talk to you now. I might not have the courage later" she said.

What's so bad that she needs courage to tell me? Vampires can't get pregnant can they?

I sat down next to her and layed out on the bunk. She did the same and layed her head near my chest.

"Christian....." She took a deep breath and I stroked her hair wanting her to be okay. "Remember when we fell in love?" She said surprising me.

"How I just left everything behind without a second thought." She said and I bit my lip. "Yes I remember. Why?" I asked and she gripped my shirt.

"Because I may have forgotten to cut my ties." She sighed "I didn't tell you about the boyfriend I had when I went to that concert."

The hair stuck up at the back of my neck and I sucked In a breath. I had stolen her away from another man? And she never got chance to break it off with him?

I remembered when I had looked out at them through the window. How she had dropped her head but the white wolf had tilted it back up and made her feel better.

I looked down at her "that white wolf....." "Was my boyfriend Oliver Sykes." She finished and I bit my lip realizing their was no ex.

"You didn't tell him about us did you....?" I asked. She hid her face against my ribs and gripped my arm. "I couldn't bare to hurt him. I loved him for so long. He was my first and my everything." She said and I bit my lip.

"I understand I never ment to take you away from so much" I said and she whimpered.

"I love you and I won't stop loving you. But I never stopped loving him. And I can't bring myself to hurt him." She said and I kissed her head.

I kissed her head. "You'll have to tell him sometime" I said and she nodded "I know just not now" she said.

I tilted her head up and kissed her softly just wanting to take her pain and guilt away.

She kissed back desperately and before I knew it my shirt had disappeared. You should know the rest.

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