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Paige's pov:

Cc and I had been married for 62 years now.

The band had broken up since people couldn't know we had stopped aging. Jake and Ashley had come out that they were both gay and had been dating about two months after the wedding.

Sadly Ashley had gotten cancer about two or three years after they had come out. He had died and Jake killed himself in his grief.

Jinxx and Hannah had moved to England and I barely hear from them anymore. Andy and izzy had been traveling the world together for years now and send postcards from time to time.

But the thing is I could never say I'm unhappy.

"Momma! Tommy won't let me have my truck back!" I heard the small voice yell. "Jason started it! He threw my action figure in the pool!" I heard the other boy yell.

That's right. I had children. Apparently since my werewolf half still existed I could still bear a child. They aged about a third the speed of a human though. They drank blood and they could shift into wolves and they could eat meat if they wanted to.

"Tommy go get Jason's action figures out of the pool and dry them off. And Jason give tommy his truck back" I said and they both pouted.

I turned to look at the boys. They were identical twins but tommy had insisted on getting a mohawk so he didn't look so much like christian. They both had CCs nose and my ears. They had dark hair and brown eyes like both of us.

"Now." I said letting my eyes flash red to show I was serious before they both ran off.

"Mom! Dad stole my eyeliner again!" I heard a girl tell from upstairs. I sighed. That sounded like him.

He was always trying to do his old makeup again and make the kids to warpaint but they would refuse.

I walked upstairs to see the girl who looked to be about 4. She was actually 12 but she liked to play with makeup.

She had been my firstborn. The boys had come two years later and then of course the baby who was only three.

Cc was standing up trying to do his makeup as she reached up trying to grab it.

"Cc! Give Maria her makeup back!" I said and he looked at me and pouted. I sighed before adding "you can use mine" I said and he smiled before giving Maria her makeup kissing my cheek and then running to our room.

I smiled softly before hearing Jason and tommy yelling downstairs. I tried to shush them before I heard the crying and knew it was too late.

I sighed and Maria tugged on my jeans. "Momma Grace is crying again" she said gazing up at me with big brown eyes and a long braid through her hair.

I nodded before picking her up and bringing her to graces room. Maria had the talent like I did of changing into different animals but she couldn't change into many. Just a bunny and a wolf.

The boys kept trying but they could never do it. I walked into the room and Maria shifted into a bunny before jumping into the cradle and curling up next to the red eyed baby. I was used to the eyes. They usually didn't change until they were four or five years old.

I looked outside and smiled "bedtime" I said and Maria said she would sleep with grace to keep her calm. I nodded and walked out of the room. I had to go outside to grab the two fighting wolves as I saw the broken flash doll next to them with his head ripped off.

I called christian and he jumped out of the window quickly grabbing the pitch black wolf as I grabbed the white one.

They both shifted after being put in bad and tucked it. It barely took them five minutes before they were both asleep and I was drowsy.

I started to stand before I was picked up bridal style by cc and carried to our room.

It was large and painted a dark blue with black carpet. It had the BVB records and several of the shirts framed on the wall to remember the old days. There was also a wedding picture by my side of the bed.

I blushed as cc closed the door and started kissing my neck as he placed me on the bed. I hummed in pleasure before he smiled "go to sleep love. I promise you'll have good dreams" he said before I was eased into darkness which turned into a wonderful fantasy.

The end.

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