Chapter 3 perfecting perfection

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CCs pov:

Over the past week the guys and I had been helping Paige find different animals to feed off of.

We knew good and well that we could always use her talent if we ever got into any trouble.

Right now she was trying to learn how to only change one part of her. It was fascinating.

We were in a clearing with Paige and I sitting on a log. "Ok let's try bunny ears and bird wings!" I said and she rolled her eyes before she ended up turning into a bunny with bird wings.

I laughed at the first sight of it but then she tried to hop away and hide In the bushes. I walked over to her and spread the bushes to see her covering her eyes with the small bunny ears. "Oh babe I'm sorry I didn't mean to laugh at you" I said.

She turned back and hugged her knees. "This is difficult! I don't like it. It hurts sometimes when I do a mix I'm not suppose to!" She said.

I scooped her up and hugged her close to me. "I'm sorry baby. We will stop for now. I know a river nearby that you will like!" I said.

She smiled. "That sounds lovely Christian" she said and I nodded before grabbing her hand and starting off.

I pulled her into my back since I was faster. She clutched onto me tightly and I smiled at her. I ran and ran through the woods until I saw the shine of the water.

I set her down by the edge and jumped to one of the rocks like we had in one of her dreams a while back.

"C'mon" I said holding out my hand "I won't let you fall this time I promise." I said and she smiled before jumping over by me.

Her feet slipped she started to lean back. I quickly wrapped my arms around her waist. I pulled her close to me so our noses were touching.

"I guess I need to perfect the new vampire jumping and stuff." She said. I ran my hand through her beautiful dark brown hair.(when she had turned the dye had disappeared to show her natural color we would probably dye it again soon)

"Paige your perfect already and you can't perfect perfection" I said and she blushed slightly.

I kissed her soft lips and she kissed back for a bit before we both sat down on the rock. We took off our shoes and put them to the side.

We dipped our feet into the cold water and I grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it.

She was looking down at the water and smiling as a few fish came and started kissing our toes.

"Wouldn't it be neat to be a fish Christian? Swimming around. No legs." She smiled. "I wonder if I could speak to animals. Ya know since I can turn into them." She said and I chuckled.

"I wouldn't try that last part. Izzy would get jealous that your talent is stronger than hers." I said and she giggled before splashing me.

"Would she be jealous or would you?" She asked and I laughed. "I would never be jealous of you. I love you. Plus my talent is way cooler anyway." I said and she laughed.

I heard her laugh change and turned to look at...... Myself. "I'm Christian and I'm jealous because my girlfriend is better than me." The other me said before laughing.

He grabbed Paige's shoes and jumped off the rock. "Paige where did you get my blood from?" I yelled and the other me laughed.

"Your the one who turned me dumbass!"

She yelled turning into herself before turning to run. I laughed and jumped off the rock and chased after her.

When I saw her i realized we were close to the bus. I ran faster and ended up pinning her against the bus door.

She looked up at me and smiled. "What's wrong baby? Can't let me win a race?" She asked and I laughed. "Never" I said and she smiled before kissing my lips softly.

I heard a voice but ignored it as I kissed her with more passion. She returned the kiss and we stayed like that for about a minute.

All of a sudden I felt a sheet of cold water hit my head and heard Paige scream. We looked up to see Andy with his hands held up.

Fucking element power.

"Ugh what the hell do you want? And we can't go on the bus now genius." I said. All of a sudden the water dissolved and disappeared off us.

"Happy now?" Andy asked and I glared at him before walking on the bus. "What do you want Beirsack?" I asked and he smiled.

"I want to sort of an ultimate test for Paige's new talent" he said.

Paige smiled. "Ohh yay" she said and I rolled my eyes "what kind of test?" I asked and Andy smiled.

"Paige you know all the words to all our songs right?" He said.

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