Chapter 5 meet some old friends

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CCs pov:

I watched Paige run to the bathroom and sighed. "Andy you put too much pressure on her" I said and Andy laughed.

"It was just a test CC and she passed with flying colors." He said and I rolled my eyes.

I waited about ten minutes untill I started to get very worried and walked in the direction she left.

"Paige?" I called. No response.

"Paigee?" I asked a bit more desperate.

"Here!" I heard her say and followed the sound of her voice.

I found her crotched down in her own form. She stared at her hands with those beautiful dark brown eyes.

Wait. Dark brown? Her eyes are chocolate brown.

"Paige you ok?" I asked and she looked up at me and nodded. She blinked a few times.

"Yea I'm fine why?" She asked as she stood up. "No reason" I said and held her hand.

I still felt the weird sense that there was something wrong. We started walking towards everyone backstage.

She smiled at them "hey guys what so we do now?" She asked. I shrugged. "We have an hour to kill before the meet and greet so let's just...." I started but then ash yelled "hello kitty!" Before turning on the tv.

We all sat down and started watching, letting ash have his way. Paige stared at the screen and I still couldn't help but think something was wrong with her.

time lapse after meet and greet

Andy's pov:

Paige had asked if we could take a detour through the woods so she could find some new forms. We had all said yes since we were trying to get her used to her new talent.

She was walking around in her wolf form sniffing at rocks and trees like a dog and we kept chuckling at her.

CC smiled at her as he picked up a stick. They started dancing around in circles as she barked like a dog.

The funniest part was that jake and ash looked like they wanted to join in. "Ya want the stick?" CC said and she barked again.

"Go get it!" CC said throwing it into the woods. Apparently ash and jake couldn't take it anymore as they shifted and all three of them chased after it.

We laughed and waited for them to come back.

All of a sudden their was a howl in the distance that I recognized as ashes. It sounded worried, wounded, desperate.

Next came jakes howl. It sounded with the same amount of pain and hurt as ashes had.

We all looked at each other and nodded before running in the direction of the howls.

We dodged branches, trees, roots, and bushes. We finally got to a clearing and what i saw broke me and I couldn't image the pain it brought CC.

There were four forms crouched around Paige. She was unconscious and had a pool of blood around her. They were all murmuring to each other and I was able to pick out words.

"Not fully vamp" "human" "wolf" "pack" "Jason"

There was only one female and she and some man with pink hair were the only two I didn't recognize.

I hissed "dahvie! Jayy! What the hell do you think your doing?!" I kissed making them both look up.

"Awww look more of her friends showed up." Dahvie said smiling. Jayy picked her up and smiled. CC tried to run forward when about five wolves ran out of the woods and jumped in front of him.

I recognized the alpha wolf and hissed "Jason we are trying to save your fucking sister!" I yelled but he just bared his teeth.

The group laughed and the girl smiled "like our new partners? And by the way if your as good as your friends you won't stand a chance" she said gesturing to the side.

I don't know how I hadn't noticed them before. Jake and ash lay there motionless on the grass. I signaled my hearing in on them and heard two faint heartbeats.

I looked up again as Paige screamed in her unconscious state. "Shhh shhh love you'll be fine it's only us." Jayy said and she fell silent again.

I saw CC his fangs fully outstretched, furry basicly pouring out of him. The girl smiled at him. "Missed me CC?" She asked and he hissed.

"I killed you! You were her best friend and your helping them torture her!" He yelled. She gave a giggle like a small school girl which made me want to push her to the ground and drive a stake in her heart.

Jinxx launched forward as if ready to rip them apart but was met with an invisible barrier.

The pink haired one smiled. "Good job jeffree" Jayy said and he smiled showing bright white teeth. No fangs. Must be the warlock.

"Have fun with them puppy's but you know the rules!" Dahvie said and before we could say anything else a dark purple mist came up from the ground and consumed them.

When It faded I saw that they were no longer there. And neither was Paige jake or Ashley.



So sorry for the lack of updates. I'm not only working on three different stories but I also have school so that sucks ass. I'm trying to take turns on which story I update so please please please be patient.

Hail The Kings Of Death (sequal to A Crimson Savior)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon