Chapter 21 • Good Girls Get Spanked Too

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I woke up to the feeling of Janie's warmth gone, making me open my eyes, rubbing them before looking around her room for her, only to see her gone. I was confused at first, making me sit up and grab my phone, seeing the time, ten thirty-one.

I quickly glanced away from my phone once I heard yelling, from which wasn't Janie since it didn't hear like her. Which had made me assume that perhaps it was her mom? It was hard to make out what exactly she was yelling about till I heard a loud sound before something hitting the ground. I furrowed my eyebrows at the odd sound, scared for what could've been going down.

I got up, going to her bedroom door to try and hear more so I could understand what was going on. I quietly heard Janie whimper and it wasn't like the ones she did last night, but instead like it was either something painful or sad that had happened. I took a deep breath before I heard Janie raise her voice at her mother. Her voice was cracking which made me confused at what had happened and what more since I just woke up.

My mind began running wild at the possibles, the harmless ones first before the harmful ones. I questioned the one thing that had popped into my head, but disagreed but quickly went back to debating it as things started to lead back to each other. What if her mom hit her? I didn't want to believe it, but things added up since Janie had bruises and cuts on her, which that would explain them. I heard footsteps coming closer, making me hurry back to the bed and sit down on the edge of it as I waited for who I assumed was Janie to come in.

I watched as Janie opened the door, quickly walking in with her head hung low before she closed and locked the door with her back towards me. I waited for her to turn around so I could look at her to see if my suspicion's might be true or hopefully false. Janie finally turned around, her head lifting before she immediately was taken aback, surprised at the sight of me. My eyes scanned her face for any signs till I seen a red patchy spot on her pale face.

"Oh, g-good morning.. how long have you been awake?" She nervously asked with one of those tight-lipped smiles of hers that told me everything I needed to know.

I tilted my head, observing her more before I answered. "That's probably going to bruise," I loosely threw my arm up in the air, while pointing at her cheek, making her bring her eyebrows together in worry before quickly looking away and shaking her head.

"I don't u-understand what you're talking about," she tried to quietly gulp, making me bring my fingers to my lip, rubbing them as I just stared at her and that red mark on her face. She got onto her bed, crawling to the window above it, peeking out of her closed blinds, making me surprise her by grabbing her by the waist, pulling her towards me which made a gasp escape her lips.

"Hey.. I'm trying to see something!" She quietly called out, making me furrow my eyebrows at her. "Like what?" I asked.

"Like if my mom left for work yet.." she trailed off, looking down at her blankets below us. "So tell me, how'd you get that red mark on your cheek?" I questioned her, forcing her to look at me by grabbing her chin and brushing her hair out of the way to see her red patch again.

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