Chapter 39 • Mother Knows Best

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The sound of my alarm awoke me with annoyance as I rolled over hoping to be awoken by Stephen, yet he was gone. I rubbed my eyes with a sigh and stretched my body, before I finally got out of bed. The cold breeze hitting my bare stomach, as I forgot I was just wearing my undergarments. Which was quite uncomfortable falling asleep in this pair. Goosebumps arose to my skin as I quickly grabbed my bag, trying to get my clothes out so I could get warm.

I looked down at my phone, checking if I had enough time to take a shower. I took a deep breath as I didn't. I could barely remember anything from last night, I was stumped. All I could remember is the fact my mother, Stephen and I are having some dinner tonight, which I was absolutely dreading already. I pulled out a black, long sleeve and slipped it on. It seemed perfect for today's weather. I grabbed a pair of my jeans, that were a little bit baggy and perhaps just a little long on me, but once my shoes were on it all evened out.

I scavenged through my bag, pulling out my toothbrush and a hair tie, before setting it back down where I had it. I began brushing my teeth and multitasking all at once, making the bed a bit, before I made my way into the bathroom, spitting out the toothpaste.

I couldn't help it as I was frightened because of today. My mind already wanted to play tricks on me, telling me the worst things possible that could go wrong at dinner tonight. With my hair tie in hand and my other hand holding up some hair, I put it into a half-up hairstyle, my long bangs falling out of. I rolled my eyes, blowing them out of my face and to the side. I hated when my bangs grew out, it always left them in that awkward stage that was uncomfortable to leave on your face. Which always made me want to cut them and get them out of my face. Perhaps that's what always had me failing to try and grow them out.

I turned the bathroom light off and grabbed my long purse from the lounge chair, that I slung over my shoulder. I made my way down the hall, quickly stopping in my tracks at the sight of Stephen and his dad.

"Good morning, Janie." His father smiled out at me, making Stephen turn to look at me.

"Hey-," he went on, cutting himself off as he looked me up and down at my outfit. "Are you leaving?"

"I have work. So I should really get going, sorry." I apologized, going to make my way out the house, but got cut off by Stephen's grip meeting my arm.

"Well let me get my keys and I'll take you real quick." He looked me down in the eyes, making me shake my head.

"That's really not necessary." I told him, only for him to insist otherwise.

"Jan-," he went to go on, but I cut him off.

"It's really fine, Stephen. Besides your dad's here, spend time with him." I interrupted.

"He was just leaving." Stephen said, making me look down uncomfortably, as I could feel the uncontrollable tension built between them.

"I could take her." Stephen's dad suggested, making me gulp and uncomfortably look around, feeling bad about the gesture. I was uncomfortable to look the guy in the eyes, how could I survive a whole car ride with him? He was so intimidating, it would be torture to sit in a car with him and hold small talk.

"It's okay-," I went to go on, but I got interrupted by Stephen shaking his head instead.

"It's alright, I'm taking her. Thanks tho-,"

"Don't you have a meeting to attend?" Serafino said, making Stephen glare at him as he added on, "I got time to take her."

"It's really no problem, Janie. I could just drop you off right on my way to James Enterprises." His father argued against Stephen, making me not know what to do as I seen Stephen's glare on him.

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