Chapter 11 • A Taste Of Innocence

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I turned my car off, still staring at her. She was uncomfortable, I could sense it and see it. She loudly gulped before stuttering out, "h-how did y-you know?" Her voice was cracking as she tightly had her arms crossed over her chest.

"Sammy told me her brothers Joaquin that night when you guys were drunk," I calmly admitted, making her peer over to me with a bewildered look.

She opened her mouth, going to say something but I cut her off. "He did something to you in there, didn't he?" I asked her, making her look down. Which seemed to me to be a "yes, he did."

It made sense now, that's why her top was unbuttoned and her hair was messy. Just overall her appearance was disheveled. It just made me think, did Joaquin get around to finishing what he was obviously trying to do?

"Did he touch you Janie?" I begged her to tell me, but she stayed quiet just continuing to stare down, making me have no choice but to gently cup her face and force her to stare at me.

"Janie..." I trailed off, waiting for her answer. She cleared her throat, her eyes finally meeting mine, "h-he did, but I stopped him before h-he got too far," she stammered out, her face flushing, obviously uncomfortable talking about this.

I can't believe she admitted this to me, it made me upset with Joaquin. How he could lay hands on Janie, not once but twice, or who knows, he could've done it more times.

I snapped out of my thoughts as Janie's hands made their way to mine. "Can we go inside?" She asked, trying to take my hands off of her face, but before she could, I quickly jerked my hands out of hers with widen eyes, making her confused.

I stared at her finger and palm which was dark, making me grab ahold of Janie's wrists, pulling her hands towards me. "What happened to your hand?" I worriedly asked her, not taking my eyes off of it.

"I-I.. can we go inside?" She attempted to ask, her face burning bright red, as she tried to jerk her hands out of mine.

"Not until you tell me what happened," I cocked an eyebrow at her, making her sigh and answer, "I burnt my hand, that's all."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "how did you burn your hand and your finger?" She shrugged as she avowed, "with.. a lighter.." she quietly trailed off, making me question confused, "with a lighter?"

She nodded her head vigorously, "yes, now can we go inside?" She grabbed her hands from mine, making me in a way wish she didn't.

I was still shocked and confused she burnt her hand with a lighter, but agreed, "yes, we can go inside now," I said making her quickly take her seatbelt off.

I locked my car once we both got out. "Can I ask you something?" Janie questioned, following behind me as I began unlocking my front door.

"Mhm," I hummed, opening the door. I turned to her, seeing her playing with her fingers, as she asked, "why weren't you looking at me this afternoon?"

I stared down, I didn't want to admit why, but I knew if I didn't she would just keep asking me, so I sighed, "it was because of a dream I had about you." She furrowed her eyebrows, confused as I gestured her to go in first.

I followed behind her and shut the door, going to my kitchen which she trailed behind me to. "Want something to drink?" I questioned and she shook her head, "is it okay if I sit?" She pointed to the barstools I had at my island, making me nod.

"Of course. You don't have to ask, make yourself at home," I grinned at her, as I grabbed myself a water bottle, even though what I really wanted was a glass of whiskey, but I knew I still had to drive her home, so I couldn't.

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