Chapter 7 • Slurring Puzzle Piece's

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Immediately from the other line, I was met with the loud background of his. "Janie!" He shouted, enthusiastically.

"Stephen.." I wryly trailed off. Something was off, I could tell, because his usual intimidating tone was gone and his voice was raspy.

"What are you doing?" He asked, as I could hear people shouting in the background.

I stared down at my feet as I continued my walk to my house, "I'm on my way home, what are you doing?"

"Are you on the phone while driving?" He questioned, slurring his words a bit. I pressed my lips together, piecing the pieces together. He's been drinking, hasn't he? I wasn't sure, but with a brilliant plan, or at least I thought, I'd be getting him to confess without directly asking him if he was drunk.

"No, I'm walking," I said, quickly adding, "your not going to be driving home drunk right?" I felt a bit uneasy, waiting for his response. If he was drunk like I assumed, he didn't sound like he was home drinking, so it's possible he'd attempt driving home in this state of mind.

"Janie!" He over exaggeratedly yelled again, "you're so sweet, so you can't be walking the streets at night by yourself and who told you I was drunk?" He asked, with his tone changing every word, making it difficult to understand if he was happy with me, or to a point a bit upset at me, or fuming.

"You told me Stephen," or, well your voice at least told me, "and I'm almost home, it's no biggie."

With longing silence from the other end, I questioned. "Do you at least have a ride home? You shouldn't drive home drunk," I demanded.

"It's just a little bit aways, I'll make it," he promised, which made me shake my head.

"Stephen. Even though you say that, just a little bit aways can cause so much. Please just promise me you won't drive home drunk, okay?" I begged him at this point, it wasn't funny. I didn't want him to be reckless.

"Why is it so important to you?" He asked and I quickly answered, "because I'd hate to see you in a car accident or killing innocent people on accident by driving drunk."

The silence from the other side didn't last long. He over exaggerated a groan, "well I don't know how else I'd get home then..." he trailed off and I began thinking of how he could get home. Uber, maybe?

Before I could run that idea across him, he spoke first. "Or... you could come pick me up!"

My mouth dangling open, ready to say, he should take an Uber, but at his words I quickly shut my mouth, not sure if I could come get him. I have my license, just don't have a car, other than my moms which she rarely lets me use.

I hesitatingly sighed, "let me get home first and then call you back and see if I can, okay?"

"Okay, I'll be waiting," he said and I quickly hung up, feeling like I had to hurry home now and make sure he wasn't about to do something he'd regret. It wasn't like I didn't trust Stephen or people to be drunk, I didn't trust alcohol itself, a liquid made people be someone far from themselves which terrified me, yet somehow even though I knew that, I had this odd craving to get drunk.

I shut the door behind me, letting out a loud sigh as I felt nervous with my thoughts running wild. I turned around, being met with the kitchen light being the only thing giving me brightness throughout the dark house, which told me my mother was asleep. I felt scared of what I debated doing right not, which was the impossible. Taking my mothers car.

It was a no, no, even though I have my license and know how to drive. I know if my mom found out I was taking her car, she'd kill me. Even though I knew that, I was still worried about how Stephen was going to get home. It was a tough decision, which was making my stomach do flips just debating on it. I wanted to puke being so nervous and giddy in a bad way.

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