Chapter Thirty-Seven

Start from the beginning

"These people have no idea how close they were to getting toasted last night," Aang said.

I sighed, "Ignorance is bliss man."

Toph sighed, "The worst thing about being in disguise is that we don't get the hero-worship anymore. I miss the love."

I shrugged, "I never got the hero worship. The most I got was Captain of my bending team in high school, but half of the team members hated me."

Sokka rolled his eyes, "Boo-hoo, poor heroes."

"Damn," I said, glancing at him, "Who hurt you?"

"It's just, all you guys can do this awesome bending stuff like putting out forest fires, and flying around and making other stuff fly around. I can't fly around, okay? I can't do anything."

That was kind of depressing.

"That's not true. No one can read a map like you," Katara said.

That was a very lame way to cheer someone up.

"I can't read at all!" Toph said.

"Yeah, and who keeps us laughing with sarcastic comments all the time?" Aang asked, "I mean, look at Katara's hair, right? What's up with that?" 

Buddy, that was not something you should say to a girl.

"What? What's wrong with my hair?" Katara asked.

I laughed behind my mask.

Sokka sighed, "Look, I appreciate the effort, but the fact is each of you is so amazing and so special and I'm ... not. I'm just the guy in the group who's regular."

I turned to Sokka, "If I remember correctly, the invasion plan was your idea. The whole plan to defeat the Fire Lord, to end this war? You're the mastermind behind that, Sokka. No one thinks your useless because you can't bend. I can bend two elements, yet you've been more of a help than I've been. You don't need to bring yourself down, okay?"

Sokka gave me a half-smile, "(Y/N)... I think that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me."

I glared at him, "Don't get used to it."


We took Sokka to go shopping for weapons, but then he found out about a master named Piandao and ditched us.

The name Piandao was very familliar. I just couldn't put my finger on it.

We all sat at our campsite near the meteorite. 

"What should we do today‌?" Aang said.

There are a few possible answers to this question. Will it be, A. Plan for the invasion? B. Train? or C. Nothing.

If you guessed C, you are correct!

Turns out, the whole dynamic of this team is shit without Sokka.

Also, Katara doesn't know how to tell jokes.

"I'm bored!" Katara exclaimed. 

"Play on your phone or something," I replied, "That was expensive."

"I just beat my high score on Flappy Duck, four times."

"Well, rather that then you trying to make a joke again," I said.

"I second that!" Toph called out. 

"Me too," Aang yelled.

Katara crossed her arms.

Toph perked up and got up, "Sokka's coming!"

Everyone got up and went to greet Sokka. Sokka wanted our help getting the meteor to Master Piandao's place.

We lugged the rock to his mansion. 

Sokka knocked on his door and Piandao exited. 

"Who's this‌?" Piandao looked at all of us.

"Oh, these are my friends. Just other good Fire Nation folks," Sokka replied. 

Real convincing Sokka.

"Do you think we can make a sword out of a meteorite‌?" Sokka asked Piandao. 

He nodded and they got to work.

After they made the sword Piandao complimented Sokka and told him he was worthy. I really hope that Sokka thought of himself as worthy. He's a good person. 

Sokka lowered his head, "I'm sorry, Master. You're wrong. I am not worthy.I'm not who you think I am. I'm not from the Fire Nation. I'm from the Southern Water Tribe."

Are you kidding me? Why did you have to expose us like that?

"I lied so that I could learn swordsmanship from you. I'm sorry," Sokka continued, holding up his meteorite sword, offering it to Piandao.

Why, though?

"I'm sorry, too," Piandao said. Then he raised his sword and lunged at Sokka. 


I shot to my feet and prepared to bend, Katara, Aang, and Toph did the same. Sokka put his sword in front of us, "This is my fight."

I coughed, "Funeral." 

Sokka glared at me and they started dueling. 

They managed to make it all the way to the other side of the mansion. Aang, Katara, Toph, and I ran to them to see what was happening. 

Piandao's face was obscured in mud, and it looked like he couldn't see. Yet, he still had a sword to Sokka's throat. 


"Excellent work, Sokka."

Piandao yielded his sword. 

Aang and I prepared to attack. Piandao placed a hand in front of us, "I think I'm a little old to be fighting the Avatar and the Bibender."

Aang stood down, "How did you know?"

"Bibender? Never heard of her."

Piandao sighed, "(Y/N), you radiate an attitude unlike any other. It's a wonder no one has figured it out."

"I'm going to take that as a compliment. Oh my god!" 

"Where did you learn how to use dual broadswords? I didn't peg you as the type to learn something other than Firebending, and you're really good with those swords."

Zuko grinned, "So you admit that I'm good at something."

"Shut up, and answer the question."

"Ah, I had a Master when I was younger. Piandao."

I pointed at Piandao, "I know who you are!"

"What?" Piandao said.

"Prince Zuko! You taught him sword fighting."

Piandao nodded. 

We all said our goodbyes and left his mansion. Halfway down the road, his butler ran up to us and handed Sokka a small pouch and left us. 

Sokka opened the pouch and took out a white lotus tile. 


I laughed, "That old man..."

"What old man?" Sokka asked.

"Don't worry about it."

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