Chapter 10: Deus Ex Machina

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3rd Person POV

At the Autobot Base

Dante and Jack were hanging out at the Autobot base with Ratchet while Arcee, Elita, and Optimus were out scouting an Energon mine, and Bumblebee and Raf were off doing whatever. Needless to say, Jack and Dante were getting tired of playing cards. Especially since Dante kept on beating Jack.

Jack was about to suggest they play something else when they saw Bulkhead pull in with Miko.

"Five bucks says she ditched detention," Dante announced as he put away the cards.

Jack grinned. "You're on."

Together, the two of them walked over to the railing and looked down as Miko jumped out of Bulkhead's passenger side.

"Ugh! You sound just like my parents!" Miko complained as Bulkhead transformed, prompting Jack and Dante to exchange glances.

"Aren't they Japanese?" Bulkhead asked in confusion.

"They may speak a different language, but you say the same things!" Miko retorted, walking away.

"Because we want the best for you!" Bulkhead argued. "And that means making sure you go to school, not jail!"

"Uh-oh, what did you do?" Jack teased.

"I may have ditched detention," Miko confessed sheepishly.

Dante cheered. "I knew it!" he announced. "Pay up!"

Jack groaned and slapped a five-dollar bill into Dante's outstretched palm, which the Rev-9 pocketed.

"How do you keep on calling these kinds of things?" Jack demanded.

Dante shrugged. "Easy. I just center my guesses around Miko. She tends to be predictable."

Jack grumbled a bit but accepted Dante's explanation. Then an alert startled him, prompting Jack to jump nearly a foot into the air, right into Dante's arms.

Dante raised an eyebrow. "Really?" he asked and promptly dumped him on the ground.

"Ow!" Jack complained, but Dante ignored him and turned his attention to Ratchet.

"I'm detecting a fresh Energon pulse from the nation called Greece," the medic announced. "An ancient city, quite historic, I believe."

"Ancient Greece, huh?" Bulkhead asked thoughtfully. "Oh, field trip!" he announced in a singsong.


After Bulkhead and Miko Groundbridged away, Raf and Bumblebee arrived. As soon as Bumblebee pulled in, Raf hopped out, and he and Jack went off to play video games while Bumblebee went to speak with Ratchet, leaving Dante all alone.

Dante grinned. Perfect. Glancing toward the Groundbridge and making sure that Ratchet wasn't watching, Dante activated the virus that he had coded up and sent into the bridge systems.

The virus was perfectly undetectable, so no one could tell when Dante activated it. As soon as he did, a small human-sized Groundbridge portal opened in front of Dante, and he walked through the other side, exiting outside a junkyard.

Dante glanced around the junkyard as the portal closed behind him. Thanks to his little virus, he could remotely activate the Groundbridge to get back to base. Luckily for him, the commands were untraceable; he had made sure of that before hacking the Groundbridge.

Enter Dante, The Rev-9: Book 1: RogueWhere stories live. Discover now