Chapter 1: Darkness Rising Part 1

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3rd Person POV

Outside the K.O. Burger Drive-in

Dante shifted in his seat as he watched Jack work at his job at the K.O. Drive-in. He never thought waiting for the Autobots would be so boring. Just as he was about to leave to get a drink, he spotted the Autobot known as Arcee drive into the parking lot alongside a pink Cadillac. He frowned. Who was the new bot? As far as he knew, only Arcee was supposed to be there.

The new bot must be here because I'm changing the timeline, he realized just as he spotted Jack walking out of the drive in. Show time.

The Rev-9 got to his feet and walked over to Jack just after he finished talking on his phone. "Sup Jack, how ya doing?" he asked.

Jack sighed. "Some no-good jerks didn't pay for their food, so now I'm five dollars short." Then he spotted the car. He whistled. "Man, I wish I had a car like that."

Dante hesitated. He was pretty sure that the two vehicles there were Autobots, but it couldn't hurt to be sure. He smirked slightly as an idea came to him. "Hey Jack," he said casually. "Remember when I told you about how girls like guys who have hot rides?" Jack nodded.

"Well," he continued, "that's because they're jealous of anything hotter than they are." Just like he suspected, both vehicles shifted slightly, and he smirked. Definitely Autobots, he thought.

Jack walked over to the Cadillac and climbed inside. "Man," he said. "This car's amazing."

Dante shrugged. "I'm more of a motorcycle person." Then he hesitated. "Um, Jack? Are you sure you should be in someone else's car?"

Jack waved his hand. "It's fine. It's only a few minutes." He put a hand on the dashboard. "Man, I wish had enough money to afford you."

A girl's voice called out, "Are you talking to your car?" It was Sierra. Oh, boy.

"My car?" Jack spluttered. "No, I mean yes, yes. It's mine, but I'm...."

At this point, Dante stopped paying attention to the conversation where Jack was flubbing up royally and made his way over to Arcee. If he was right, he would want to be near her when the Cons showed up.

As if on cue, he spotted four black and purple cars approaching. "Speak of the devil," he muttered. He spotted both Autobots shifting, and just as the Vehicons shot toward them, the pink Cadillac revved its engine, as did the motorcycle. As Arcee swung around, he reached out a hand, grabbed onto one of her handlebars, and swung onto the seat.

The Cadillac swerved around the Cons, Jack screaming along the way, while Arcee shot right between the two of them and toward the road. Behind them, the four Cons turned around and gave pursuit.

"Do not let go!"

He knew the voice was from Arcee and played the role of a frightened teen. "Who said that?!" he yelped. On the inside, he was starting to think that maybe he should become an actor. A Con pulled up on either side of them and tried to bash them, but Arcee hit the brakes, allowing the two to hit each other and break apart long enough for them to pull ahead.

"Commander Starscream," one of the Vehicons reported. "Targets sighted, alongside a pair of human youths."

"Destroy them all!" came the reply.

Arcee and Dante pulled into an alley with the Cadillac and Jack right behind them. Jack got out of the car and backed away, Dante mirroring his movements. "What are you?" Jack asked.

Enter Dante, The Rev-9: Book 1: RogueWhere stories live. Discover now