Dante Character Bio

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Name: Dante 

Alias: Ace

Species: Android

Model: Rev-9

Gender: Male

Height: 6'1" 

Age (Appearance): 18

Actual Age: Unconfirmed

Looks: Windblown jet-black hair, blue eyes,  swimmer's build,  troublemaker's smirk

Accent: Slight Western Australian 

Clothing (Normal): 

Clothing (Normal): 

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Clothing (Combat):

Clothing (Combat):

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1): Shape-shifting: Dante is able to shape-shift his exoskeleton to look like other people and change his clothing. He can also flatten his exoskeleton against a surface and take on its appearance for camouflage. And he can manipulate his exoskeleton to form multiple stabbing weapons including spikes all over his body, blades, sickle-like hooks, scythes, bladed staffs, tendrils, and many more. 

Enter Dante, The Rev-9: Book 1: RogueWhere stories live. Discover now