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The next morning at around five, Ushijima wakes up beside Kanai on the couch. He woke her up too and when they were already awake, Kanai stood up to stretch. Ushijima on the other hand went to her room to get some clothes in her wardrobe that he could change into after he takes a shower.

"Asami, will you be busy this morning?" He asks her while she was brushing her teeth in the washroom.

"Don't worry, I'll accompany you to the train station. That's where you will meet up with Kageyama and Hoshiumi right?" She says after she spits on the sink

"But you still have stuff to do right?" He asked again, worried that she'll cram the things she has yet to finish.

"Yeah but I want to see you off to Osaka. Those things could wait, plus the train's just near." She says. After washing her entire face, she dries it off with a towel. Then she continued, "Who takes a shower first?"

"You take long in the shower. You go first." He said before sitting back and taking his phone out, to post a picture of chocolate along with a caption that he likes it.

"Right." She goes out of the washroom to grab underwear and Ushijima wasn't disturbed by this anymore. 

After taking showers, Kanai tells Ushijima to sit down.

"Okay, I left some bruises on your neck. Here's some cream to help with it." She said and sat down in front of him. She gave him the cream but he looked at it oddly, it had color. Was it make-up?

"It's not make-up. It's just tinted so you know you could cover it up."

"I don't want to cover them."

"You have to!"

He kisses her in surprise though, and obviously, she kisses back.

He pulls away telling her, "I could kiss you anytime right?"

She laughs, "Hell yeah, but I just applied lipstick! It's going to take a little while to get it off you know."

But he doesn't care. They haven't seen much of each other for a month due to the other commitments they have and he just wanted to make the most of it. So he kisses her and leaves even more hickeys on her neck.

"I haven't left yet, but I already miss you." He said.

"Don't think about it, we can manage for a week. I'll call you every night so I get productive in the mornings."

And he kisses her again. She pulls away to kiss parts of his neck and then stops. She giggles before getting wipes to remove the smudges.

When they were done with their routines and such, they head out to Ushijima's home first to get his belongings. Then they go again to get grab a bite before waiting in the station for the train.

Now they were sitting down on the unoccupied seats waiting for his friends, but they arrived early and so did the train.

"I am afraid I have to go." He tells her.

"Don't make it sound like you're never coming back, because you know that if you don't I'll be the one to find you." Luckily, she was able to filter her mouth and better words came out instead of saying that she'll come and get him.

Kageyama and Hoshiumi stood awkwardly watching the couple before looking away and starting a conversation with each other.

"I know. Make sure you stay safe and sleep early. Don't drink without me or some of your close friends." Ushijima told Kanai.

"You better stay safe and sleep early too."

"I always sleep early." But then the train was about to leave.

So not wasting anytime longer, Kanai gets the gift she was going to give him before leaving. It was a very small carton box that was wrapped in thin black paper. It was the kind of box where it looked like it holds cards.

"Thank you." He tells her.

But she asks him to lean in closer and then whispers,

"Make sure that no one else sees these when you open it."

He looks at her confused.

"It's only meant for you. Now go, your friends went inside already."

"Call alright?"

"Yeah. I love you." And it caught him by surprise.

With his whole heart, he says, "I love you too."

He entered the train to find their seats, and he sat by the window.

"You're girlfriend sure left you souvenirs didn't she?" Hoshiumi teased but Ushijima answered, thinking he was referring to the box he carried.

"She did."

Hoshiumi laughs out loud at his bluntness and was so amused by his response. The teasing just flew over his head and didn't even get it at all. He thought he knew what Hoshiumi talked about.

Kageyama was bewildered by the ongoing situation on the train so he looks at Hoshiumi who was drowning in a pit of laughter. The raven-haired boy mouthed to Hoshiumi what was going on, so in response, he pointed to his own neck.

"You're dead?" Kageyama asked him and it was Ushijima's turn to look at the two who were having a conversation about death.

"I am not dead! Someone's dead, it looks like their neck is bleeding." He snickered, both Kageyama and Ushijima were too slow to understand. So Ushijima just doesn't mind the two and just stared out the views the window offers.

"Kageyama," Hoshiumi called yet again, then covered his mouth then the other hand pointed at Ushijima.

"Look at his collar!" He shouted in a whisper. So Kageyama looked at Ushijima who was now texting someone on his phone.

Kageyama blushed when he saw the stains.

So he calls Ushijima's attention.

"H-huh? Ushijima-san, t-there's lipstick stains on your collar." In a moment of panic, Ushijima pulled his collar for him to see the stains.

"Oh my god on your neck too!"

Thankfully he had the cream Asami gave him and a scarf in his bag.


Make sure no one else sees these when you open them.

It has been three days since he left Tokyo and right now he was alone in his room. He takes the small box he left inside the drawer of his hotel room unopened. He was very curious about what could be in it and so he does unwrap the black paper that covered it. He opens the box and his face flushes a deep shade of red.

Looks like she had another bold move.

They were photos of her in lingerie.

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