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The next day comes and Asami wakes up with a terrible hangover. She rubs her eyes before turning to the bedside table to drink water. Asami walks out of his bedroom and Wakatoshi hears her light footsteps from the kitchen where he prepared her breakfast, so he greets her,

"Good morning." Not even turning to face her since he was busy cooking.

"Good morning." She said then walked into his bathroom. She took a new toothbrush from one of his cupboards and brushed her teeth. Afterwards, she washed her face and dried it with tissue.

She comes back to the kitchen to sit down while she watched him again cook food.

"You're such boyfriend material." She blurts out of the blue then quickly covered her mouth to prevent her from saying any more things. He on the other hand got a burn from the hot cooking oil because of the sudden commentary. He turns around with a questioning look on his face while he lowered down the heat of the stove.

"I-I am saying that you're cute especially when- Ah, wait no! I-I meant- Whatever take it as a compliment!" She says rather quickly and looks away because she knew that she was turning red. It was so early in the morning and now she tells him he's cute too?

This is a win for Wakatoshi, so he smiles.

"You think I am cute?" He smirks as he went back to making her a delicious and healthy omelette. Not really what he had planned in mind, but cooking eggs were quicker.

"Well, I am not the only one that thinks that. So. . ." Her voice faints, not knowing what to say next.

"I don't care about the others. It's your opinion that matters to me."

I don't want to confess in his house.  I am not going to confess in his house.

She kept repeating the same mantra in her head. She couldn't tell him how she feels since he claimed to like someone. She slaps her cheek (not too hard) three times and discreetly looked at him to see if he was still busy. Turns out he was already done and he was staring back at her.

"Here, have breakfast." He hands her a plate and sits down in front of her.

"You're not eating?" She asked him before taking a bite.

"It's almost 10 am Asami. I've had breakfast  after I exercised." He told her as he sat down in front of her. All she could think of is how he could wake up so early in the morning to exercise after having alcohol intake the previous night and of all things she could miss, a look of a glorious man who had just finished his workout.

So she looks at the clock hanging on the wall and chokes on eggs. He hands her water and pats her back.

"What the hell do you mean by almost ten? It's ten-thirty! Why didn't you wake me up?" She looks at him before stuffing another bite.

"Must've read that wrong, but you looked. . . peaceful." He tells her while rubbing his nape before sitting back.

"Don't make it sound like I died Wakatoshi. Wait, please tell me I didn't do anything stupid!" She says, but he doesn't understand what she meant. For Asami, if a drinking place involves either a couch, a bed, or someone's apartment rather, things are bound to happen.

"What do you mean stupid?"

"I-I don't know. Kissing you when drunk?"

"That is stupid, but if you aren't drunk then it wouldn't be." He tells her but it takes her quite some time to process and decipher what he had just told her.

Is he a walking proverb now? A bible verse?

She thought because damn, every time he tells her something that is probably related to how he feels, she couldn't understand a thing. Even if she did excel in Math and get to solve any problem that requires the deepest of critical thinking, she can't turn emotions into something logical. They have to act as one.

"Hmm. I guess." She said not knowing how to respond.

When Asami finished the meal Wakatoshi made for her, he goes to his room to look for a comfortable shirt that she could change into. He didn't care whether she will keep the clothes or return them. Meanwhile, Asami washed the plates and glass she used then Wakatoshi appears with a shirt and a hoodie in his hands.

"Before you go back to your home, please change into something comfortable. You can return them whenever you'd like." She takes the clothes from his hands and thanks him.

I will be wearing Ushijima Wakatoshi's clothes!

She thought and stopped herself from having her body form butterflies in her stomach, but the smell of his clean clothes wasn't helping. Asami goes straight to the washroom to change. She looks at her reflection and thought that she didn't look good in his clothes she thought that she looked great.  She brushes her teeth again and splashes water on her face. She walks out to see Ushijima sitting down on the couch and his phone talking to whom she could assume was one of his previous teammates since words such as 'volleyball' and 'reunion' were mentioned. She takes her bag from the end of the couch he was sitting on and took it silently as possible. When he saw her, he hung up the call and waited for her.

They waited for each other to speak first.

Since no one was deciding to speak,

"I am-"

They both spoke at the same time, so Asami finally speaks first.

"I am gonna get going. Thank you for making my delicious chicken and for having drinks with me."

"I'll walk you to the bus stop."

"Oh, sure."

And damn, Ushijima wanted to explode and confess how he feels about her but the time was not yet right.

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