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"ASAMI!!!" Her younger blonde friend yells.

"What the hell! Stop shouting in my ears!" Kanai yells back while her hands covered her ears.

"You never told me Asami-chan! You're with Ushijima!" She stops eating her food that was made of mainly spinach, almonds and some cheese.

"Oh for fucks' sake, not him again!" She groans.It's been a week since the incident she doesn't really wanna talk about.

"What? What do you mean not him again?" Yachi asks, obviously confused.

"USHIJIMA AND I AREN'T A THING!" Now the people who were walking around the campus park stared at her. Now this caused some  murmurs to spark but eventually everyone went back to their own businesses.

"Asami, I AM CONFUSED!" Yachi yells back while they were eating on a bench.

"Look, I only kissed him because he was the guy nearest to me!" She said while making gestures with her hands to convince her that she really us telling the truth.


Confused, Kanai asks, "Wait, what story did you hear?"

"That he called you his girlfriend in the cafeteria!"

"What? Ah shit. Anyways, all you have to know is that he and I aren't a thing. Kiyoko for sure knows that! I told her about it.

"Fine fine, that's sad though. We haven't caught up with each other in almost two months and now I hear that a boy has finally won your heart, yet it turns out to be all a hoax."

"Clearly no man has won my heart."

"What about Oikawa-san?

"I like him, but I can't like him more than as a friend. I just couldn't see him as that."

"That's actually understandable. You guys have been together since Kitagawa Daichi, right?"


"Anyways, come with me to the bar later! We're celebrating Schweiden Adler's win! Romero-san's gonna be there too!" Yachi says with an obvious grin.

"Huh?" Kanai asks totally bewildered.

"Kageyama invited me. It's sad that Hinata's at Rio though!"

"Right, that beam of sunshine. Oikawa probably will bump into him. He told me that he'll go to Rio last week. He should've landed there at least four days ago."

"Really? I wish I could go there too. Anyways, 8pm at Midori's Restobar!


Several hours has passed and now it was eight. Kanai Asami was sitting down on one of Midori's Restobar's tables that was located by the window. Kanai drank while several people she recognizes from college were there, especially the famous volleyball that has won their recent game. She couldn't believe herself that she came here without knowing that Ushijima actually played for that team and now she planned on sinking down or possibly drown herself in alcohol when he spots her. Where the hell was Yachi? She said that she would come there by that time too yet she wasn't even there yet. Kanai becomes impatient and this was obvious because her leg kept going up and down, getting anxious of what's to come next.

However, Kageyama passes by and greets her. He asks why she was alone and Kanai answers, "Oh, Yachi told me to tag along. She isn't here yet though."

"Ah, of course Yachi-san would do that. She said she might be late because she forgot to run an errand from her mother. In that case I'll leave you for now Kanai-san. I hope you enjoy this evening." Kageyama said. He wasn't fond of parties but he was glad it wasn't one of those parties. If the party was held at someone's dorm or house who knows what could happen? Before he actually leaves Kanai tells him "By the way, congratulations Kageyama-kun. You're not fond of parties but I do hope you enjoy this one!" and then she waves.

"Thank you."

Kageyama walks back to his teammates and pulls out his phone. Earlier, after their successful win, Kageyama sat down in their locker rooms and opened a groupchat. Apparently Hinata Shoyou was with Oikawa Tooru in Rio. The text even said "Look who I met in Rio!" . Even up  to now he was still pondering about the said photo.

"Who were you talking to?"

"Huh? Ushijima-san it's you. I was talking to Kanai-san." He said. Ushijima doesn't know how to feel about it but he was sure that part of him was happy. He does not like the fact that he was happy about a mere girl he barely even knows. He doesn't know either what of her made him pull towards the woman. He didn't even realize that his two feet were dragging him already to her table and he even joined her.

"I didn't expect to see you here."

"Heh, me either but congrats anyway! Here a drink!"

He said he does not drink yet he does anyway.

"I didn't think you'd actually drink. Wait, are you secretly not a killjoy? Or like you don't want to disappoint people?" She asks, a hint of surprise evident in her tone.

e doesn't get annoyed but he gets a little irritated. She was too damn talkative.

"Actually, Tendou told me it's a good stress relief."

" Why'd you even drink? Idiot, if there's one thing I could advice to you then it's to not drink your problems away. But I am a hypocrite about that anyway."

"Forget it, I want to drink with you." She blushed while the tips of his ears turned red. He didn't intend for his words to come out of his mouth that way and feel embarrassed about it. It was silent between them for a while but they eventually started to drink. They had a more than bottles of beer and a couple of shots, but they kept drinking anyway. Little to no conversation between them were shared but there was this strange comfort  Only until it was past 2 am that the bar had to close and everyone had to go home. Both of them were on the verge of passing out and no other than Kageyama was able to help them.

"Being the health freak in our team, I didn't think it would be you who'd get themself drunk."

"I am not drunk, I am tipsy. I forsure can't drive. Can you help me? and Kanai?"

"It's weird that you're asking but fine. Give me your keys. We're staying at my apartment." Kageyama says while a tipsy Ushijima stands up and slightly wobbles on his feet. Kageyama, barely even drunk, carries Kanai on his back. He remembers this event carefully and drills it to his mind to hopefully get a favor from his senpai.

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