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At 21 years, Ushijima Wakatoshi has never questioned himself so much in his life. What the hell was wrong wtih him? Who was that woman? Where exactly are the needles that's currently stabbing his heart? How are there butterflies in his stomach?

"Hey, you need a drink?" Tendou grinned as he put a glass of alcohol in front of him. They sat inside Ushijima's apartment while taking in the views Tokyo had to offer during the night.

"No thanks, I don't plan on killing my liver slowly." Ushijima says.

Tendou takes back the drink and downs the drink in one go, "Obviously, but you my man, have a problem."

"You're the one drinking, may be you're the one that has a problem." Ushijima grunts and drinks his root beer instead.

"Chill, I have a list of those. You on the other hand probably have just one problem and you're already sulking."

"Not exactly a problem, a dilemma perhaps. This woman in back in the university kissed me. I am confused."

The redhead shouts in surprise and  said, "Someone stole your first kiss? Oh my god, who?"

"I told you, a woman."

"Elaborate. Give me the name!"

"She said thanks."

"Dumbass, no one is named thanks."

Ushijima sighed, "The kiss took me in surprise, that's no doubt. When she pulled away, I asked her who she was but she said thanks and that she had to go."

"So, you're not letting that situation go? I mean, it seems that she used you for a one time thing. That's a great feat Ushijima! You're helping people!"

"I am not, I at least ought to know the name of the woman who kissed me." Ushijima said before he stood up to get another can of root beer inside the refrigerator.

"Is she a student?" Tendou asks, turning his head to the direction of Ushijima's kitchen. Ushijima appears with an opened can on his hand and  answers "I don't know, most of the students don't even wear their IDs."

"You mean majority, but then do you want to find her . . . ?"

"Maybe I'll just let this slide."

The duo's talk ranged from love lives to sports and continued way until eleven in the evening. Eventually Tendou had to go back to his dorm even if it was way past curfew. Ushijima now cleaned up, looked at his ceiling with a frown on his face. He just wanted to know who she was and why she had to do that.

The next day, he wakes up at 7 in the morning and decides to run around the campus several times. Who knows? Maybe he'll see her. This newfound inspiration to run gave him the drive run around the entire campus 7 times maxing a 12.3k kilometer run in under an hour and some minutes. However, he was disappointed to not find her.

As he jogged back to his apartment, he passes by a woman who was also running in civilian clothes.

"Fuck 8 am classes!" She shouts.

She sees Ushijima and instantly pales a little. "I hope he does not recognize me", she thought. She didn't wear the same red lipstick the day when she kissed the famous volleyball player unaware. He looks at her though and their eyes met, both widening. Although the meeting was a  second short, she continues to run to catch her classes at eight-fifteen. He removes his earphones and looks behind him to meet the figure of the woman running late to the Department of Architecture.

At least he now knows she's fine, well kind of.


Kanai Asami, was running late. She regrets not waking up the first time her alarm rung and now she's an absolute mess. Kanai knew that she looked gorgeous in whatever she wore, the problem on the other hand is that despite her outfit looking gorgeous, her face was a mess.

She entered her classroom(finally) and sat down to wherever she could find an empty seat. She looked at her wristwatch and saw that it was only eight-eight in the morning. Okay I have nine minutes more to put on a little make-up , I can do this. She thought then took her eyelash curler. She opt not to use mascara (because they were a pain in the ass to remove) and used vaseline instead. She put a dot of concealer to both of her eyebags next and spread it with her finger then took her eyebrow pencil to fill in her already perfect brows. And no, her eyebrows weren't dark. She just filled in on what she thought looked somehow empty and lastly put  a tinted gloss on her lips next. She looked at herself in her pocket mirror and thought she looked good. And just when she put back her mirror in her kit, her professor came in.  

The lesson wasn't boring or entertaining, she thinks it's just fine. It wasn't easy, but it wasn't very hard either. She just thought that she could probably excel this particular lesson this time since it contained lots of Math.

She passed several busy hallways of the university's main building to have lunch in the main canteen and sat alone on a huge table, eating her meal. She hates it so much how she couldn't cook delicious food and because of it, she always ate vegetables and fruits. Her diet was vegetarian but for completely absurd reasons(mainly because vegetables are easier to prepare and she wasn't the best cook). If she could only spend money on food she would've, but the desperation to save money for the future was greater.

Eating alone in the empty huge table gave her a big relief. She may like people but it does not necessarily mean that she likes crowds. She kept eating her oh-so-appetizing salad while reading an English classic from Emily Bronte to help  improve her own proficiency in the said language.

And in her mind, endless rants came.

Of all boys, he had to be the one that I would kiss.

Why couldn't it be someone else?

Why did I have to kiss an international athlete? A famous athlete who represents all of Japan?

You're fucking stupid!

Dumb bitch.

I will now wallow and drown in self-pity.

Kanai Asami admits that she's one hell of a good kisser and that she's lucky she only pecked Ushijima Wakatoshi on the lips. She's thankful enough that the single peck didn't escalate to something much down further. Kanai also admits that he has really soft lips, and at that exact moment she looks up to see whoever sat in front of her to eat.

It was the man who's all over her thoughts. His face remained stoic all throughout.

"Uhm, h-hi . . . ?" She stuttered.

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