It's been three years.

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Hello, hello! As promised - here's the sequel of Ready to run! I hope you love just as much as the first one. For all the new ones, I'd recommend you to read the first book on my account! Let me know what u think! I hope you're all doing fine!

It's been three years. For three years I've been living my life the way I always did. I was still a police officer and I worked in New Jersey. I loved New Jersey. It was beautiful and peaceful. I was still living in my house and my best friend, Celine, was still by my side. I'm sure that would never change, would it?

I was sitting in my office going through the new files. It was peaceful and not much was happening. This was always the case lately. I would almost say that my job has become boring. A new criminal would be good again.

"Actually, we should be happy that people follow the laws." Celine murmured with a smile as she tossed the files onto the table. I grinned. "But since when did people get so boring?" She said. I shrugged my shoulders.

Usually there was always something going on. A break-in, assault, shoplifting or sometimes even murder, but nothing for the last three weeks, just small things, like neighbors with too loud music. There was a girl missing, four months ago, but she was found after a week. Apparently she just spend some time with her boyfriend in the woods.

"It won't last forever." I let her know. I leaned back and crossed my arms. "But at least we can finish work earlier." I explained. Celine grinned and got up. She stood in front of me at the desk.

"Do you think we can do something exciting this weekend?" she asked. I shrugged my shoulders. We usually just sat at home, watched a movie and ate pizza or sushi. It's not necessarily exciting, but it is relaxing.

"What do you suggest?" I asked. She seemed to be thinking.

"I don't know, maybe something like the Paranormal Museum." she said. I grinned because I knew it was something she would like. "Or to the Amotal Ghost Town." she said. I laughed, gathered all the files together, and stood up.

"Sure, we'll do whatever you want." I let her know. She cheered and I put everything away. We would be done soon and we could finally go home.

Celine lived with me now. It was just a matter of time because she spent most of the time with me anyway. She still has her apartment, but she's never there. If we get on our nerves at some point, she could go back at any time, but that has not been the case so far.

I still talk with Aunt Hannah and Jace. We met sometimes for a family reunion, and Celine was always there. I had met Clary and she is really wonderful. She is a little beauty. In the meantime Jace and Clary got married and we were even invited to the wedding.

Jace also wanted to invite Alec, his childhood best friend, but he didn't have his number or didn't know where he was. I thought it was sad that I couldn't tell him myself because I didn't know. I rarely saw Isabelle, but sometimes. She reminded me very much of Alec and filled an emptiness that he left behind.

Alec was someone I loved some time ago. Well, it was very complicated. We loved each other a lot, but it didn't work out, sadly. I left and I never saw him again.

After we all had our things, we left my office and made our way home. We drove with my car. Celine had a driver's license, but no car. Sometimes she drives, but most of the time I do.

My cell phone rang while driving. Celine took it and checked who it was. I couldn't because I had to concentrate on the streets. She grinned.

"The meeting with you was really nice! I would be happy if we could meet again. Maybe for a coffee at Luigi's?" Celine read out loud. "So? Are you going for a coffee with Maira?" she asked curios. I shrugged my shoulders.

Maira was a woman I met on a dating app. She had long dark brown hair and beautiful brown eyes. She was pretty and she was really nice. The first meeting was great. I just think that I'm not very lucky in love, so I don't really want to go into that. The dating app was also Celine's idea, not mine.

"I don't know." I answered. "Don't answer yet." I said. Celine rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Oh, stop it. It's just coffee! It's not a tragedy. Otherwise you will die alone!" she said. I frowned.

"What? You don't have a boyfriend either!" I defended myself. "Besides, I won't die alone, I have you." I explained and she looked at me pejoratively.

"Was that a confession of love? Such like a love comedy, where the nerdy best friend likes his hot best friend but never dares to say it?" she asked. I looked at her in confusion for a moment, but then I concentrated on the street again.

"Nerdy? That was rude!" I said. "I just mean that you are alone too, but I'm not looking for a boyfriend for you!" I told her. She raised her eyebrows.

"For me it is different, I am a strong, independent woman." she explained to me. "But you, you need love. You are like a cuddly bear that needs to be loved, otherwise it is sad." she explained to me. What kind of comparisons is she doing here?

"What are you talking about? I'm happy, am I not? Besides, I never needed anyone except you." I told her. Celine sighed and looked at me pityingly as I parked the car in our driveway.

"And yet the picture of both of us and Alec is still on your bedside table." she said. I stayed silent. I didn't look at her, just sighed. She was right, but that didn't mean anything.

I had printed out and framed this picture again. Alexander had the original. I gave it to him before he left us. It's been three years now and I'm over it, but I kept the picture.

The first months were really difficult for me. I had missed him so much. I was hoping he would come back. I was hoping that he would miss me as well and that he decided to live with us, but he never did. I suffered a lot.

After the first year things went better. However, I never met anyone new. I didn't want to, because I thought that this place in my heart should only ever be free for Alexander. Even if I could handle it well, there were moments when I missed him more than usually.

I once did something that I only wanted to do in an emergency. I called Alec, because I missed him so much but he didn't answer. Mailbox. He never called back and that just made me miss him even more. I didn't know if he was fine or not. I didn't know where he was or with whom, but I wanted to know. Did he even see that I called him?

After three years I realized that he wouldn't come back and that I would not see him again. I started to meet new people. Mostly for one-night stands. I very rarely had dates, but not more than two with one person. It was generally difficult for me to bind myself.

Celine didn't have an easy start either. She missed Elliott very much. Elliot was a friend of Alexander and Celine and him fell in love. The two were made for each other and yet so different. She cried a lot, but I could cheer her up. In the end, she got over it faster than I did. She also met some new guys, but that never lasted. Some dates, but mostly they failed.

"Listen, it's just coffee, not a marriage proposal." she said, pointing to my cell phone. I sighed and then nodded. She was right. It's just coffee.

"Okay, tell her we'll meet before my shift tomorrow morning at starts." I said. Celine cheered and immediately typed the message. I laughed and shook my head and got out. It's just coffee, with Maira.

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