Chapter Three - The Big House

Start from the beginning

Luke lead me through a volleyball game full of teenagers who were enthusiastically hitting the ball. A few of the kids noticed me and waved. I waved back feeling a bit sheepish at the sudden attention.

"Ah, Luke." Luke's scary face faded at the new voice and he smiled. A girl a few years older than me walked towards us smiling. She had long blonde hair and beautiful grey eyes. I didn't fall to notice the weird look in her eyes. It reminded me of when mommy looked at the picture with her and daddy. "I've been looking for you but Chiron said you were busy."

"Yeah, you know (M/N), right?" Luke asked. I silently looked around keeping while listening to the conversation.

"The doctor lady? The one the Apollo's kids talk about?" The girl questioned.

"Turns out she has a demigod kid." I looked at them finding them both looking at me. "This is (F/N) (L/N). (F/N) this is Annabeth Chase."

Annabeth gave me a small smile she seemed friendly enough. I waved at her which she returned before looking back at Luke. "Are you taking her to see Chiron?"

Luke nodded. "He wanted to speak with her before we set up all her stuff."

Annabeth's eyes flickered over to me for a brief second as her grey eyes darken slightly. "Why would he want to do that?"

Luke shrugged walking by her. I followed after him not wanting to be left behind. "Chiron works in mysterious ways." He responded coolly.

I turned around to offer her a goodbye wave but paused when I noticed her expression. She had her eyes narrowed at me it wasn't like an evil look, no she just seemed to be in thought about something. In really deep thought.

"(F/N)?" I looked back at Luke who was giving me a concerned look.

"Sorry." I apologized jogging to catch up with him. He had longer legs so he tended to walk a bit farther than me. "Is she a friend?"

Luke smiled fondly at the question or the thought of Annabeth. "Yeah, one of my best friends." He confirmed. They did seem close.

Luke lead me to a cabin but it seemed bigger than the others. It was different, I don't know how to describe it. I felt something odd as a chill crawled up my spine making me cringe from it. My back started to itch making my fingers twitch. There was something in this cabin.

"This is the Big House," Luke told me opening the door with ease. "Its where Chiron and Mr. D the camp directors hang out. You can talk to them if I'm not around."

Luke stepped into the Big House. But I couldn't move, I just stared inside as the cold air it my face.

"Free me." An unfamiliar voice echoed from inside. It sounded like a woman, a desperate woman.

I dug my fingernails into my palm trying to ignore the itching feeling on my back. I instantly focused on the sting in my palm. Focus on the pain.

"Set me free." The woman pleaded her voice digging into my skull.

A hand on my shoulder made me jump in surprise. I focused back into to see Chiron and Luke giving me concerned looks.

"Hello." I greeted pretending like the last few minutes didn't happen. I hide my palm behind my back, silently hoping I didn't break skin.

Chiron had a smile on his face but it seemed a bit forced. "Hello (F/N), we haven't had a proper introduction. I'm Chiron."

I smiled a bit. "I'm (F/N) (L/N)," I responded.

"Are you okay?" Luke asked still holding onto my shoulder looking concerned his blonde eyebrows were furrowed. "You seemed to have blacked out there."

Death Girl [Nico di Angelo X Fem!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now