Chapter forty-six: Make me trust you Part Three

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*Joshua's POV*

Ghosts. Real or not? Alive or dead? Or perhaps, they appear when you least expect it. Shaking your life to the ground, and makes you wonder if what you knew even happened in the first place.

That's what I think I am seeing. A ghost. Because the person in front of me is supposed to be dead. And how do I know this? It's because the guy in front of me killed her.

''Hi.'' she waves at me and then sees Finn. ''Finn, hi.''

''I uh I am going to leave you two alone.'' Finn says and leaves.

''H-how is this possible?'' I barely whisper

''It's kind of complicated.'' she tells me.

''Well it seems like today is the day for stories.'' I say and for some reason I can't look her in the eyes. We never actually broke up, and then she gone missing, and then I thought she died, but if she's not really dead, does it mean we are still together, does it mean I cheated on her when I made out with Casey? Oh, and Casey, how the hell am I supposed to explain this to her?

Now, I am once again dizzy and I am not quite sure of what I should do.

''Joshua? Are you okay?'' she asks me

''Yeah. I am fine. I uh just need some water, and perhaps air. ''

''Can you make it outside on your own? I will go get some water for you.''


I take my time getting out, and once I am, a breeze of air slaps me on the face. And so does reality.

''What the hell is going on? Where's our culprit?'' Noah appears out of a sudden.

''Not now.'' I tell him, feeling a bad headache building in my head.

He shoves me in the wall. ''What the hell happened? We had a plan.'' he says angry.

''I- uh Casey is .. And Petra. ''

''Where the hell is Finn Joshua?''

''I uh I don't know.''

''What do you mean, you don't know?''

''Hey! Leave him alone.'' Zick intervenes.

''And who are you?'' Noah asks Zick

''His best friend. Now let him go.'' and to my surprise Noah actually does.

''Ryan. Code RED. '' he calls Ryan.

''Don't worry. I'll handle it.'' Ryan appears out of nowhere and goes into the hospital.

*Casey's POV*

Waking up from the surgery wasn't that painful, especially when I have so many things on my mind. I need to get out of this bed and confront Joshua about Finn.

But as I try to move, I get a jointed pain in my leg which causes me to close my eyes in pain. Right then I feel someone's presence. It would be quite an irony if it were Finn. That guy just keeps appearing everywhere. But my thoughts are interrupted when that someone kisses me.

''I am sorry, for everything.'' he says in a low voice. And despite it's volume I know it's Finn.

Did he - he kissed me.

''Finn?'' and he turns around.

''Casey. I uh I thought you were sleeping.''

''I was uh, just woke up actually.''

''That's good. I uh should go. Let you rest.''

''No. We made a deal. I did my part, we arrived at the hospital. The bullet is out. I am fine and ready to finally know what's going on. ''

''Are you sure? This can include quite some surprises. ''

''I can handle it. Throw it at me.'' I tell him and make room for him to sit beside me.

He sits down and starts going down the memory lane.

''It was two years ago. My brother was dating Joshua's sister.''

''Wait. Your brother and his sister? Then how are you related?''

''Just.. Let me continue and everything will be explained in the story.''

''Right. I am sorry.''

''So, they started dating right after I uh I got dumped by my ex-girlfriend. I didn't quite spend a lot time with her, but that didn't meant that I didn't care for her. Anyway, my program was full, between school, the gang I was just accepted in as a side job because my parent split and my mom couldn't afford to feed all three of us by her own. Since she married my dad she has been a housewife, which didn't help her much when she needed a job. The reason my parents split was because my dad had an affair, with uh Joshua's mom years ago that has resurrected a few years back.''

He takes a deep breath so he can keep going. I can see why this is hard for him. I hold his hand to assure him I am not going anywhere, even if I could.

''My dad claimed he didn't love my mom anymore and he was ready to start a new life with this  woman. He left us.  When my mom married dad, she signed a prenup, which allowed my dad to take everything we had, leaving us with nothing. My mom tried to do her best raising us, but it wasn't enough, so I decided to join the gang, fully aware of the risks but also the earnings. Which has eventually saved us. The night my ex-girlfriend dumped me, I was pissed and angry, which is why I couldn't go home. I didn't want to scare my mom, and I knew Stacey was having a birthday party at this club. Stacey is Joshua's older sister.''

''So I went. And tried to take my anger out with the alcohol, but I eventually got drunk. I went outside   for some air where I found Stacey crying. I consoled her and everything, but I didn't know she thought I was her boyfriend. So, when she said his name addressing to me, I took it as an opportunity to see how it is like to be like my brother who was so perfect for everybody and had everything. But I guess I took it too far when I tried to kiss her, despite her saying no. I uh I swear nothing else happened. Evan, my brother, soon arrived and told me to get away from her, but I was too drunk to understand what was going on. Getting drunk that night was probably one of the worse decisions I have ever made.''

He looks at me, looking for understanding or judgement. I nod in understanding to which he slips a short and little smile.

'' Joshua also appeared out of nowhere and he started provoking me. He acted like I just killed someone. I recognize my mistake and I feel really sorry about it. But Joshua didn't stop there. He went on and on for me to back off, even though I wasn't doing anything anymore, and he was talking to me like I was a criminal. I guess that was when everything changed, I changed.''

''I started being the person everybody saw. People thought I was troubled so I started to cause trouble. People thought I was stubborn, I became stubborn. And with time with this attitude I gained a lot of respect in the gang community, which led me to here. Being their boss after the last one died. I kept them going. I didn't let them fall into depression or worse. I was a good one, but what I didn't know was, that with this responsibility everything they did reflected back to me.''

He takes a look again at me again. I supposed now comes the bad stuff.

''After that night with Stacey and after I pulled myself up again, I went to see her, to apologize. To my surprise she forgave me. Despite never meeting her besides that night, she forgave me. But his brother didn't. Through that time of initiation as the boss of the gang, I didn't realize there was a mole in the gang that didn't want me there. That day he followed me and saw Stacey. He thought it was something else, so he thought he found my blind spot, my weakness.  He threatened her and hurt her. She remembered the gang's logo from the guy's jacket which caused my brother to hate me forever along with her brother, thinking I set all that up. To say the least after they didn't believed me then, I left. I moved out, but regularly sent my mom checks. I was the black sheep of the family. As for Joshua, he was the reason all this started so I decided to get my revenge on him.''

''A few months later I found out he had a girlfriend, and I just wanted to mess with him. I ''accidentally'' bumped into her and we started talking. It was honest talk, didn't lie to her at all. She even agreed to what I was doing, saying she was going to tell him the truth, and will recorder our conversation as proof. Photos of me and his girl - uh Petra - got to him, and he wanted to confront her, but she never showed up again. She hadn't talked to him since, she hasn't shown him the proof, which made him think I had something to do with her disappearance, hating me even more. A month ago, rumors started going around that he had a new girl. I was hoping I could either give him a last explanation or I could mess with him once again.''

''It was uh it was a hard decision. When I looked you up, a lot has came up, yet I read just two things. With those information I already knew what the plan was going to be. I just didn't expect to turn up like this.''

He raises my chin up, probably knowing what I am thinking about.

''Perhaps you were just a game at the beginning. But now, it's different. Casey I -''

''CASEY!'' Becca bursts in the room. ''Omg you scared me to death. What is this about a kidnapping, shooting and you getting hurt?'' and captures me with her arms

''B, I am fine, I promise.''

''You better be. I wouldn't be able to live without you. I am tying you and Cody up. You will never leave my sight again. I was about to lose my boyfriend and my bestfriend in just one weekend.''

''B I am fine. I promise. This is Fin by the way.'' I gesture towards him.

''Oh I know him. He came down here the day of the shooting, said he knew where you were. I take it that he helped you escape.''

I send a look of confusion to Finn and he just looks down.

''Becca, would you be a dear and get me some water?''

''Of course.'' and with that she leaves.

''You were here?'' I ask him.

''Yeah. I was kind of trying to make Joshua bite the bait. I swear I didn't plan for any of your friends to get hurt. I actually thought Joshua was inside your house, that's why my men shot through the windows. I guess we mistook him for her boyfriend. And for that I am deeply sorry,''

I take a deep breath.

''This- this is a lot.'' I say and let go of his hand

''I know that. I just hope one day you can forgive me.'' he says and stands up.

''Sit down!'' I tell him and he sits faster than he stood up. ''From what it looks, it seems like I am the only one who changed that part of you in good again. And I can see how much you want that side back again, how it ruined you, so I don't want you to leave. I want you to stay. I want to help you Finn, I can see your potential, and I think we would be great friends.''

His face falls a little at the word of friends. But then recovers himself. I get closer to his ear. ''At least for now love.'' I tease him and peck a kiss on his cheek.

I chuckle at his blushing and he attempts to hide it away. ''Don't. It's cute.''

''Can you help me up? I need some fresh air.'' I ask him.

''Uh are you even allowed to?'' he asks me.

''I guess if I am in the wheelchair there is no problem. I just can't stay in here anymore, you'd be surprised how many times I wake up in this place.''


''Yep. Now come on, give me a little help.'' I say asking his hand to stand. Instead he lifts me up bridal style and puts me down in the wheelchair. ''Well, what a gentleman.'' I say to tease him and he chuckles.

''Just don't say than-''

''Thank you.'' we say in the same time and end up laughing.

We get out of the room and take the left corner towards the principal hallway. We walk, well Finn walks and pushes me, and we talk until when we come to a halt.

In front of me is Joshua and some girl hugging like long time lovers.

Also right then Becca arrived with the water from behind us screaming my name, allowing Joshua and the girl to look at me.

My eyes sting at the sight. His arms around her on exactly the way he did to me when we made out. Yes, I was mad at him. Yes, a part of me hated him. Yes, I knew at some time I had to confront him, but never like this. Despite everything, one part of me that hasn't been affected, still believed we could work it out as friends. But it is now that I realize, there is no friends. That stopped the night we first kissed.

And now, we did lost each other forever.

He has his old girlfriend back, with whom he has a lot of history together. And I, I was having mixed feelings about Finn.

That was the end of everything we ever had. And his eyes told me everything as he pierced through mine for some reaction.

''I am fine. Thanks for asking.'' I tell him and lead myself outside leaving Finn to come with me or stay there.

''Casey.'' Zick appears. ''Are you okay?'' he asks me while capturing me in a hug followed by Tom too.

''Yeah. All okay now. I am glad you guys are okay. '' I tell them.

''Hey. Who's the guy from the hallway?'' Tom asks pretty curious.

''Oh he's a friend.'' I simply say

''A new friend. Out of nowhere?'' he asks with one eyebrow raised. He leaves to see him closer.

''Uhm Casey. '' Zick catches my attention.


''I am sorry about, uh Joshua and Petra.''

''Yeah. It's fine. Totally okay.'' ok, even I knew that was a big fat lie. And the next thing I know there are thuds from inside. ''Zick, push me inside.'' and he does as told.

Tom has pressed Finn onto the wall, holding him by his collard, but Finn gets effortlessly out of his grasp.

''Get the hell out of my town Evan.'' Tom threatens Finn. Does he know his brother?

''Tom I wouldn't recommend you to throw any punches.'' I tell him and he suddenly stops.

''You know him?''

''Yes. And believe me, getting into a fighting with him is not a wise choice.'' I suggest him.

''Finn?'' I call him out to tell him he's not Evan.


''My name's Finn. Not Evan. Evan is my twin brother.'' Finn tells Tom

''Yeah he's the bastard compared to his brother.'' Joshua adds.

''Hey! Watch it!'' Finn threatens Joshua

''You watch it.'' Joshua says and pushed Finn.

''You do not want this, believe me. You heard Casey, it's not a wise choice to get into a fight with me.'' he provokes Joshua with a smirk.

''And what if I do?'' Joshua doesn't back down.

''Listen to her buddy. You know she's right. She's always right.''

''Hey. He can make his own choices.'' that Petra intervenes. ''The world doesn't evolve around her. '' she adds and I am pissed.

''The world might not evolve around me, but even I have more courage than you bitch.'' I say standing up on one leg.  ''Wanna fight with a one leg woman?'' I provoke her.

''WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN HERE?'' my parents yell from the end of the hallway. I will never get out of my house again.

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