Chapter thirty-six: Make me think about something else

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*Joshua's POV*


Thinking back on how the night has started I never thought it would come to this. All I wanted to do was show her I am not that bad guy she thinks I am. I have never been like this. I had to show her who I really was.

The idea of a special dinner was a good one, food did work, maybe it worked too good. I am glad I could make amends with her. These past couple of days and weeks have been so bad without her.

I got her back. And I didn't want to lose her again, so when she suggested to go home, I tried to make her stay, but the only words that came out of my mind were ''Stay. We can talk.'' . I could have been more convincing, but no. I had to say that.

If that would have been the end of the night then so be it, but I couldn't let her go without apologizing one more time and thanking her for the second chance, even if she might have done the same thing with Tom.

I know it wasn't polite of me to steal their conversation, but I did what I had to do. Something happened, and I needed to know what it was, especially after Tom stormed out of the classroom.

When did that even happen?

Anyway, before she left we argued of who's to blame for what happened. And the truth was that both of us were to blame. I should have told her what's going on from the beginning. After we argued about that, silence came again.

We had nothing to do, so we stared into each other's eyes. Something maybe I shouldn't have done. Though I don't really regret what happened after that.

I lean on the door while I feel the moment happen over and over again. She still hasn't left. I can hear her breath and the way she swears. But soon enough after I hear a doors opening and closing. I take a peak out the window to see Cody and Zick nearing the front door. But Casey's sight wasn't on them, following her gaze I see Tom in front of her house.

Of course he had to be here. He has to be everywhere.

The guy's ringed the doorbell when they arrived at the door. I had to make them wait a bit, because if not they would think I was standing here all this time.

''Hey guys.'' Case says

''Hey Case. What are you doing here?'' Cody asks

''Oh I was just leaving. Later.'' she says and leaves the porch of my house. And if you were wondering, no I am not following her every step. Yes you are. Shut up.

''Weird.'' Zick tells Cody

''Something may have happened.'' Cody suggests

I spend no more than a second to open the door just as Casey is entering hers with Tom behind her. She glances over and we have a very little eye contact.

''Hey guys. What brings you here?'' I ask them not letting any space for them to step in. I don't exactly want them to see what's inside.

''Dude. We haven't heard from you in days. I though some Aliens might have come and taken you.'' Zick says

''Really Zick? Aliens?'' I ask

''Don't mind him. Let's get a drink, the game is tonight.'' Cody says and tries to get past me. ''Dude. What's with you?'' he asks

''Can't we just watch the game at your house?'' I suggest

''After we came all the way here? I don't think so. '' he says and finally gets to push the day larger and gets in. Fuck.

Zick gets in after that too, and I instantly know I should have tried harder to keep that door closed. They are so gonna mock me.

''Woah. Dude, what's this? We're not- I mean I am not gay bro, this dinner is way too much.'' Zick mocks

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