Chapter twenty-one: Make me wake up

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Casey's POV

Darkness. Everything went dark after my weird hallucination. The face, the most familiar face I know, just appeared in front of my eyes once more. Why him? Why now? Why here? I have no freaking idea, but just as I was about to faint, I felt arms catching me and that touch can not be forgettable.

Even though I shouldn't have, I let the darkness capture me. I had a hell of a day, and I just need to distance myself from it.

What happened while I was passed out? That's yet to find out when I will wake up.

Becca's POV

Spending time with Cody can do magic things. The real world does not exist anymore, it's like we are the last persons left on the planet. No need of food, water, or air. When I am with him it feels like I am walking on real clouds.

Standing there, next to him, in bed, talking for more than an hour, captured by his well build arms.

Sure, we don't know each other that well, of for a long time. But I will most definitely let it go just like that, I will get to know him better. I will know everything about him, and I will love everything about him, even his flaws.

Being there only just us, it felt like a fairytale.

No more people staring, no more having to put up with this façade that I am strong that I am over it. Because the truth is I am not. I don't think I will ever be, but for the first time being with Cody is not about appearances.

No more Becca is perfect. No more Becca is fierce. No more Becca is popular.

Who the hell cares? That's just how I act in public, deep inside it still kills me. Guilt, hurt and regret is all I feel.

Guilt because it's my fault Casey got stuck in this thing too. I shouldn't have convinced her to come to the party, I shouldn't have had that drink and I shouldn't have pass out.

If all this didn't happen, she would be normal now, I would be normal now.

Hurt because it freaking hurts spending day by day acting as if I am okay, or over it. I am not, though no one knows, going to Ryan's parties brings everything back, and I almost have a heart attack.

It took everything in me to not start crying when I put the foot in this house. I didn't want to drink because I knew what happened the other time I drank, but again if I didn't people would start spreading rumors and change their perspective on me. I spend too much time creating this façade to let it go down.

So, I took a drink praying it didn't contain drugs. Once I drank one, I don't remember drinking others. It just felt as if my mind didn't control me anymore. I could do anything I want, and nobody would care. The thoughts, the flashbacks and the memories were gone.

And then in that moment I felt as if I was finally free.

Drunk or not, Cody still does that every time he is near me. It's like he is my remedy, if I can say so.

It was quiet, too quiet to be true, but then out of nowhere I heard a scream that seemed familiar. At first, I thought that maybe it was because I was drunk, but only minutes after it seemed I heard a splash, a big one as if someone jumped from this floor straight in the water. And this time from Cody's face I knew it wasn't just the alcohol in me.

We hurried to get out of the bed, and down on the stairs, to see what was going on.

As we got outside the house, I clumsily tripped and had to take a look back at my now, injured leg.

THE GIRL WHO SUFFERED| UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now