Chapter twenty-seven: Make me trust you

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''So?'' he asks waiting

''She's just upset I didn't told her that -. Wait a minute, that's not any of your business, is it?''

A flash of hurt fast came and went away from his eyes.

''No, it's not. I just wanted to let you know Ryan woke up and left.'' he said and made his way downstairs

''Hey. What's with you? Why did you do that?'' she asks me

''I honestly don't know. '' I say, half of me present in this room with Becca and half of me somewhere else thinking.

What is wrong with me? I am usually not this mean. Could it be because of what Becca said? I don't think so, we are just friends, right? Friends who make dares and complete them, friends who care, friends who defend you , friends who whisper in your ear with a delicate soft voice. Wait, how did I come from defending to whisper?

''Why did he leave anyway?'' I say going downstairs with Becca in my trail

''Case can we talk?'' Tom asks me

''Not now. Where's Ryan?''

''He just left. He said he had something to do.''

''Becca get the car keys. We're going on a mission. ''

''Yes ma'am.'' I roll my eyes at her response.

''Tom, where's Josh?''

''He went home right after he came down from you.'' urgh I was so mean to him

''Tom go home. Becca let's go.''

We get out of the house and in the car, ready to follow Ryan to wherever he is going. I would so want to be wrong about this, but he was right beside us when the officer was over, I would be a fool if I thought he had only good intentions.

I jump in Becca's car by the passenger's seat and quickly set my safety belt with Becca beside. I instruct her to follow Ryan's car and she quickly agrees. With minutes passing by, I feel her contemplating on this, if this may be a good idea, or why are we even following him in the first place.

Our only shock was when we found the car parked in front of a too known building, and by that I mean the building where all of this started. Why would he be here? I furrow my eyebrows while trying to find a good reason why Ryan should be trusted, but all the reasons disappear when the front door of the building opens and I see no one other than the man who destroyed my life.

My eyes are wide open, and Becca's the same, but our minds work different. While I was taking seriously the idea of jumping out of the car and attack him until the police would come to the rescue, Becca's idea was more to run. Might be because she knows how I think. I may be a girl, a girl who is sensible and a girl who has been hurt, but I still got my anger, and I got my fighting side where I am brutal.

It turned out that my ideas were just in my head because they didn't actually happened, but Becca's did. She got the car in the fastest speed, and disappeared down the street, which I am almost 100% sure made a loud noise which must have caught their attention.

On our way back home, I was done thinking of good reasons. I was angry, pissed even. Ryan that once was my friend, and once betrayed me, did it again. His stupid apology was fake, he just wanted to make some drama between me and my friends.

I was wrong to believe he's changed, that he is finally his old self, the one I once thought cared about me. I was wrong about everything. I destroyed my friendship with Joshua, Tom and me are basically strangers, and I bet every minute that passes I will make Becca think am a burden. And the man I despise the most in the world is back, and he is not going to give up with his revenge.

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