Fem!Cinderace x Male!Reader

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Prompt: You play a round of soccer with your partner Cindy. 

Spoilers: None

Dedicated to Dario_Ivanovski


You kicked the ball with skill and ease as it zoomed into the goal, Cinderace huffing in defeat. 

"GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAL!" You screamed jumping around Cinderace. By now your skin had a tan and your whole body was sweaty as you two were caught deep in this game. It was a new trust exercise your Mom had suggested between you two. If you were to get stronger with fighting with your Pokemon, you needed to trust Cindy not to hurt you as she needed to trust you to trust her. Weird but it worked. 

"Cinde Cinderace!" She huffed pushing you away as she walked to get the ball. You laughed and got back into the poorly drawn circle that was supposed to be the middle of the court. As she walked over you took the time to reminisce over the recent years. There'd been a new and improved game of trainer/Pokemon soccer where the two had to work together with strategies to utilize one another's moves. The more flashy the more technical points, the more your score the more regular points, the more complex of strategy the more strategy points. Of course, there were rules set into place for both trainer and Poke safety as well. 

"Alright Cindy, let's switch this up," she cocked her head but listened as she held her foot on the ball to stop it from rolling, "It doesn't matter which goal is the scoring goal now as long as the ball gets there. Let's try to come up with some combos to earn the most points we can!" She nodded feverishly and held her paws out for your signature handshake. 

"Alright, let's get to it!" You backed up to be to the side of Cindy. 

"Basically we're gonna be passing it back and forth like an infinity sign, weaving through the people." Cindy nodded and kicked the ball to you with the side of her foot. You were up a little close to a cone and caught it, kicking it around and back to Cindy who was up farther than you at the next cone. This process repeated until Cindy was close to the goal and used high jump kick and scored a goal. 

"YES!" you pumped your fist as Cindy hopped with joy. Smiling you hugged your partner tightly before grabbing the ball out of the goal. 

"Again." and with that, you two practiced until dinnertime.


"So how was practice you two!" your mother exclaimed happily as you grabbed some veggies out of one of the bowls on the table. 

"Yeah, tell us aaaaaaaall about it!" you little sibling(s) giggled taking too much of some of the foods. Your father scolded your sibling(s) lightly while giving the right portion(s). You laughed as you set your plate.



"GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAL!" the announcer screamed exasperated as you panted, Cindy standing at the opposing team's goal, victory written all over her tired face. 


"BELIEVE IT! WE CALL IT," Cindy hopped on your back as your piggy-backed her to the center of the field for the trophy, "INFINITY CROSS!" You screamed triumphantly as your tactic that you both had trained for had indeed paid off. 


The crowd gave you a standing ovation as you spotted your family in a private booth, waving, cheering, screaming, crying, but over the moon proud. You smiled and waved at your Mom's video camera. This was totally a story for your future kids. You thought cheekily.

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