Guzma x Gangster!Reader

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Prompt: Your out causing trouble on the wrong side of Alola.

(h/c) = Hair color

Spoilers: Smut😏

"Ey, Blaziken you good?" Blaziken nodded as he walked on the left side of you. "Aight."

"Marowak hows 'bout you?" Marowak twirled he bone in the air idly as he nodded. "Cool."

"How 'bout you Pancham?" He nodded gruffly, hands in pocket. You grunted in reply as he strode in front of you. Hearing a bunch of hollering you quietly motioned for your squad to follow. Coming upon a groud of thugs and some trainers you hid behind the tall grasses and trees, you and your squad's eyes glowing theough the darkness.

"Knock it of team skull!"  A shrill voice whined.

Course there's always the damsel in distress you thought sighing.

"Yeah! We don't have time for you thugs unless you wanna lose a battle!"

And of course e have to knight in shining armor... you were bored at this point and decided to make yourself apparent after stepping out of the foliage, leaving the squad behind.

"Oi, all of yas shut up. Its giving me a headache.." you whined rubbing out your (h/c) locks, popping your gum.

"Whats a little lady punk like you doin out here in the woods?" A husky and heavily gangster accented voice laughed. Rolling you eyes you rolled your neck as you began your descent down the small hill to the path. Standing in the middle of the two parties, you popped your gum looking towards one of the skull members. Scanning over his features you appreciated his raggedy look accented his clean and gangster style. His hair was the right type of messy that made your knees shake and his smirk was the cherry of it all. He was slouched and visibly 6 ft. It made you shiver with anxiety to know how tall he'd be a standing up straight.

"Ay, ya deaf or what? Scram!" The guys chuckled scratching his neck. You only giggled in reply, popping your gum, as you snapped signaling the squad. Pancham was first to come out. Then Blaziken and Marowak. They formed a circle around you and stood in their signature poses. Looking around at them they were itchin for a battle. Smirking and popping your gum you turned to make eye contact with the guy.

"Whats your name hot stuff~" you sneer crossing your arms. He lifted his lip in a snarl, smirk falling into a deep growl.

"Did she just call da boss 'hot stuff'?!"

"He's sooo mad!"


Haring the three grunts behind him whisper your smirk inly grew as you positioned your hands on you waist popping your hip. This made the guy squeeze his arms (them being crossed).

"Da names Guzma. Ya boy's the leader of team skull ya hear?" He stuffed his hands in his pockets regaining his mischievous smirk again. Looking behind you the kids he was fighting were long gone.

"Guzma, I (y/n) challenge you to a pokemon battle," he opened his mouth to speak but you interrupted dramatically putting up your finger to shush him," BUT it has to be just me and you, one pokemon, one person." His gang gasped as he rubbed his chin in thought. You turned and winked at his gang, "dat mean yous all haves ta scram!" You popped your gum as you awaited Guzma's response.

"Aight." He responded with a shrugged after a few minutes.

"But-but boss!-"

"Sorry grunts, dont take it personal bit scram!" He smirked pointing with his thumb in a 'go' motion, never taking his eyes off yours. They begrudgingly left on their motorcycles leaving you and the big man. He walked a few steps forward as he took out a pokeball.

"Ya sure little lady? I mean i don't wanna little doll like you gettin hurt now." He winked calling out Golisopod.

"Mind your own business Guz~" you smiled popping your gum. You signaled for Pancham to step forward as you had the rest return to their pokeballs. A gleam appeared in Guzma's eye at the name as he scratched his neck, waiting for you be ready.

"Aight Pancham make mama proud!"

A 30 minute long battle later

"Huff....huff...h-had 'nough?" Guzma panted, Goliospod grunting.

"Hah...hah...hah...not...even..close-hah.." you panted trying to even your breath, Pancham just as tired.

"H-hows about-huff- a truce ye?" Guzma asked stretching his back. You only nodded calling back Pancham, Guzma calling back Goliospod. When walking to meet Guzma in rhw middle you tripped, grasping his shirt, you ended up on your knees in feont of him. Panting and red faced you looked up to Guzma to apologize you held your tongue seeing no expression on his face as he stared back at you. Feeling a slight poke you jumped back squealing. You squealed louder as Guzma had you pinned.

"Why so shy now doll~ you were just on your knees a sec ago," chuckling Guzma observed your panting and red faced expression carefully feeling himself grow hotter.

"Whatchu doin lookin so hot down there? Makin me feel all hot and bothered. I had no choice but to do somethin..." he trailed off, lips brushing against your neck. You mewled when Guzma reached a certain spot making him abuse it, sucking and licking.

"G-guzmaaa.." you moaned granting him more access as you turned your head. He happily took the chance to leave a big hickey there just above the collarbone. Taking his hand he ghosted it over your stomach, lightly touching you as it went lower and lower. Your breath hitched when he was over a certain spot making him huskily chuckle as he went past it. Rubbing your inner thighs with one hand, he used his other to palm at your breasts.

"Guzmaaa~ pleeeease..." you begged squirming. Completely shifting over you Guzma placed his knee between your thighs and hands beside your head. You gulped at the position but your heart raced with anticipation.

"Please what baby? Whatchu want me.." he said breathily looking you over before locking eyes with you. You thought carefully for a moment before gliding your hand down Guzma's chest, over his stomach, and to his sagging pants waist line. You lightly tugged on it give him the gist of what you want. Chuckling, Guzma hurriedly unzipped his pants grabbing himself.

"BOSS!" Jumping out of his bidy Guzma hurriedly put humself away before zipping up. Turning with a ferocious glare the grunts stopped before looking over the situation.

"What..." Guzma growled eyes gleaming with anger. The three grunts stopped and held each other in fear.

"P-plumeria s-sent us-" Guzma snarled cutting them off. Turning his attention to you, he fixed your lifted shirt before lifting you bridal style and stood up.

"You all scram! Tell Plumes to call for me instead of sending you lot aight?!" He screamed at them as they scrambled getting to their bikes before driving away. Sighing, Guzma looked at you.

"Ya good baby?" You nodded not being able to look him in the eyes. He chuckled before lifting you up to plant a kiss on your lips.

"Good. We can finish this back in my room." He said nonchalantly as he carried you to his bike. Placing you in front you blushed profusely as he laughed at your flustered expression.

Guzma's might be rough around the edges, but he's sure as hell a sucker for cute little things.

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