Gengar x Shy!Young!Reader(FINALE)

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Prompt: a continuation of Gengar x Shy!Young!Reader. Also, I'm so sorry this took a while Audennetannanda! I swear I saw your comments and I promise I haven't forgotten about your one shot! Again sorry to anyone else who wanted part two for this as well but here it is! I hope you guys enjoy. 

Dedicated to Audennetannanda

Last time...

"I know he's an ass Runt but you can't attack other trainers over words. How do we take care of them?" Runt breathed a heavy snort out of his nose before replying.

"Tyrunt tyyy..." You almost laughed at how he reminded you of a small child getting reprimanded.

"That's right bud. We beat them in battle. Now get out there!" Tyrunt stalked onto the field walking side to side as he awaited his opponent. The familiar sound of a poke ball opening was followed by the call of an Amaura.

"Let's win this Amaura!" The trainer called wiping his nose again as he smirked. You gulped as Tyrunt didn't seem to care of the disadvantage as he scratched the ground anxiously.

"Amaura use powder snow!" You panicked knowing Tyrunt wouldn't be able to dodge in time.

"Tyrunt no!" It was too late as the dino got hit with the sheet of snow, freezing over immediately.

"Now use Hail!"

"Use dark pulse!" a wave of eeriness washed over the field, stumping Amara before she could perform the move.

"Now you earthquake bud!" You said with a sudden burst of energy. The ground shook and rippled as the frozen Tyrunt broke out of the powdered snow.

"Tyrunt ty ty!" He growled going into a rampage.

"Tyrunt no! You need to calm down bud-please!" You choke out at the rampaging pokèmon.

The whole field seemed to darken as it grew tense. Tyrunt was no in a rage and all you had left that wasn't tired from the battle was your Braixen Sonny and Gengar.

You clenched your fists knowing this wouldn't end well...


As Tyrunt grew angrier and more furious you quickly pulled out Gengar's Pokeball. 

"HAHAHAHAHA! What he hell is wrong with that thing?!" The trainer laughed criticizing Runt. You gulped as you called Gengar out. 

"Gengar use Lick on Tyrunt!" 

"Geeeeeengarrrr!" Gengar giggled as it used Lick effectively subduing Tyrunt as you called him back into his Pokeball. Gripping it angrily you slowly looked at your opponent. By now everyone on the site including teachers were watching to see where this would go. 

"Gengar let's finish this..USE TAUNT!" Gengar stuck out its tongue and blew raspberries at the opponent. Amaura got angry as steam blew comically out of his ears. 

"Use Rock throw Amaura!" Amaura's face was tinted pink because of it being enraged as huge rocks of ice formed and flew Gengar's way. Genga glanced at you and you nodded, confident in your partner. He dodged effortlessly as a Hex was placed on Amaura from Gengar's Cursed body. Giggling Genagar hauntingly flew in and out of the ground under Amaura ticking it off as he blew raspberries. Amaura was now rampaging as he repeatedly was stomping its hooves(?) trying to get Gengar(similar to whack-a-mole). 

"Now use Lick!" 

"Gengar!" Gengar effectively used lick on Amaura popping up in front of him. Amaura was now going on a dazed and angry rampage as it's trainer began to freak out, shouting at his pokemon to calm down. 

"Amaura use Rock throw!" you rolled your eyes as Amaura failed in using the move but succeeded in tiring himself out more. 

"Gengar use Substitute!" Gengar created a flour bag that was poorly painted and decorated like him but Amaura wouldn't notice while he rampaged. Gengar retreated under into the ground again as Amaura repeatedly went against its trainer orders, attacking the poor beg(RIP). 

You waited until Amaura was all tired out and panting, barely forming pebbles when using rock throw. 

"NOW GENGAR!" Gengar popped out above Amaura and powered up a huge Sludge Bomb. You smiled as the opposing trainer's eye grew huge and he yelled for Amaura to dodge, but by now it was too late. Amaura was unable to battle and the trainer reluctantly grabbed him and tried to wake him up. No success. Then he put him back into his Pokeball. He stood before walking up to you and stopping arm's length away. You looked at him curiously while Gengar shadowed behind you. 

"HYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" he shouted as he pulling his fist back before pushing it forward to punch you. Gengar used lick to stop his hand. He struggled and struggled until calming down and looking at his feet.

"What is wrong with you?!" you screamed letting go of his hand. He wiped some tears with his sleeve before looking at you slowly. You gave him a hard stare that he returned with a timid one. 





"Listen," you put your hands on his shoulders and looked him square in the eyes, "just because your loss doesn't mean that you won't ever get better, just keep trying!" He looked shocked as you gave him some words of wisdom. "It took me a while to even gather the courage to become a trainer and yet here I am! I'm not saying it's easy but what I am saying is that you will succeed if you try. Think about it." He thought for a moment and then reunited the gesture, putting his hands on your shoulders. 

"Thank you..let's battle again some time!" He chuckled. You smiled and nodded, following him to the makeshift poke center on camp. The professors nodded approvingly as they directed everyone back to what they were doing. 

Ash's POV

That's (y/n) for ya! Shy but the most outspoken one here!

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