Ash x Floral!Reader

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Prompt: Ash and Pikachu are looking for some flowers that professor Kukui can give to professor Burnet for their year anniversary.

(F/c) = Favorite color
(F/f/t) = Favorite flower type
(f/s/n) = Flower shop name

Spoilers: none

"So prettyyyy~" you giggled as you took a step back admiring your petunia/white rose bouquet. Gardevoir smiled as she watered some plants nearby with squirtel.

You clipped down the stalk of the (f/f/t) and dreamily played with its (f/c) petals. Weaving the flower in your ponytail you began trimming the rose thorns with Venusaur.

Ding Ding!

The bell on the door rung alerting you that someone had entered your little shop.

"Hello?" A scratchy voiced squeaked.

"Pika pika!"

"Hello and welcome to (f/s/n)! Is there anything in particular your looking for?" You said greeting the messy raven haired boy. Scratching his Pikachu's chin.

"Yah! My professor Kukui's year anniversary is today and he needs flowers for his wife!" He said full of energy. You clapped your hands together and asked Gardevoir to bring out a couple of bouquets.

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"How about these two? These are out most popular anniversary flowers! Roses are perfect for a fresh romance and tuplips will make a girl blush!" You informed hold up the two boquets

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"How about these two? These are out most popular anniversary flowers! Roses are perfect for a fresh romance and tuplips will make a girl blush!" You informed hold up the two boquets.

Looking the boquets closely the boy was deep in thought.

"No I think professor Burnet like more extravagant flowers!" He exclaimed a gleam in his eye. I giggled at his excitement as I told Gardevoir to bring me the special ones.

"How about these flowers? They're very rare so they aren't in boquets but I can wrap a bow around one of them for you?" You asked holding the rare galaxy flowers

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"How about these flowers? They're very rare so they aren't in boquets but I can wrap a bow around one of them for you?" You asked holding the rare galaxy flowers. These were made of bits of crystals formed from space.

"WOW! I'll take one!" You giggled as you gave the other to Gardevoir and wrapped a white bow with gold trims to the flower. The words etched into the bow read "Happy Anniversary".

You handed the flower to the boy who looked at you confused.

"It's on the house cutie~" he blushed and avoided your eyes, twisting and pulling down his cap. You giggled as his Pikachu gave him a sly look.

"My names ash..." he murmured.

"(Y/n)." You said pecking his cheek as he scrambled out the door. You gave his Pikachu one last scratch before he left after his sprinting trainer.

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