Silver x Fem!Reader

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Prompt: A very sour encounter turns out to be life changing for the reader and Silver as they form a very...unique, bond. (Also play the song above when y'all see this **)

Dedicated to Hypocrimime
Your feet sloshed through the ankle deep water filled with oversaturated soils and grasses as you ran. You had pulled the back of your hoodless jacket over your head as your legs pumped faster the get out of the thundering storm. Spotting the Pokècenter you launched yourself through the doors, sliding to a stumbly stop. Breathing heavily you took off the soaked jacket and wrung it out over a plant pot.

"Oh my, got caught?" Nurse Joy sighed as she clicked her tongue. You gave a tired nod as a warm towel was draped across your shoulders.

"Thanks Nurse Joy." You smiled as you went to sit down. You dried yourself the best you could with the towel before bringing out Beautifly.

"Beautifly use gust please, gently!" Beautifly went to work using gust all around you as she dried you off. Once dried you gave her a peck between the antennas before returning her to her Pokèball. A 'tch' was heard from across the room as you peered up. A boy about a year or so older than you were leaning against a wall with his Houndoom lying dejectedly on the ground close to him.

"Got a problem?" You asked with an edge in your voice. He only shook his head as he looked away. You continued to glare at the guy as you assessed him up and down. Looking towards his Houndoom again you could now hear it slightly whimpering as it gave it's trainer puppy eyes. You got angry but held your tongue.

You clutched Flabebe's Pokéball as thunder boomed and lightning struck close by. You knew she was deathly afraid of these types of storms from the past. Another ripple of thunder a lot louder than before as the lightning blinded the room, it goes white to black to white and then regular colors again. The Pokéball clicked open as Flabebe came out balling, zipping around in blind fear. You ran around cooing and talking calmly, trying to coax her back to you. You finally caught her hiding in one of the huge flower boxes in the center of the Pokecenter. You gently caressed her head as you tucked her into your neck. You cooed as she cried, shivering in fear as the rain pounded the windows. You saw out the corner of your eye that the kid from before watched you closer as his Houndoom continued to whine for his attention.

"Why do you comfort it? Just leave it out in the storm until it grows unafraid of the thunder. That's how I got Houndoom used to water. Threw him in it!" He gloated flipping his hair. Houndoom shivered at the memory as you flared up. Nurse Joy and Chansey backed away behind the counter as they felt the tension rise. You were in front of the guy in seconds.

"First of all being tough on Pokemon isn't the only way for them to grow stronger-in fact, the strongest they'll ever be can only be obtained with love, patience, and friendship!,' he blinked and jumped back as you wagged your finger in his face, your other finger cupping Flabebe in your neck, "and as a matter a fact Houndoom will more than likely turn on you in battle because of your nasty behavior!" you spat the last phrase with venom as you flipped you hair, making sure to hit him in the face, as you crouched to pet Houndoom who melted into your touch. He growled happily as he leaned into your touch. This already spoke volumes to you on how he lives. You huffed as you walked away to the other side of the Pokecenter, ordering a miniature Pokeshake for Flabebe. She trilled happily as she put her flower in the drink as well. You giggled as you held her close.

1 hour later

You spent this time making sure Flabebe didn't have another panic attack like last time as the booms of thunder dwindled to distant rumbles and the sky got bluer and bluer. Over this time you played games in which Houndoom joined as you all enjoyed the unfortunate circumstance. Everyone except him. Of course. He sat in the corner on that wall clicking his tongue and growling when Houndoom seemed to have more fun with you. Finally looking at the sky again you stood up off the ground.

"Alright, Flabebe. Time to go now." You smiled sadly as Houndoom whined and pawed at your legs. You sadly shooed him off to his trainer, giving him the stink eye, as you exited the Pokecenter. With one last look at the Houndoom you left with a heavy heart.

2 weeks later

You walked the park battling trainers young and old alike, winning with every battle and getting stronger. Walking into a pokeshop to stock back up on healing agents and more berries, you see a flash of red hair. Stopping, you look to only see the shop door closing.

"Hello young trainer! How may I help yoi today?" the shop clerk exclaimed grabbing your attention.

"Huh? Oh-yes please!"


Walking down the sandy beach you fed Flabebe some berries as you popped a few into your mouth as well. The moon glistened over the horizon. You see a figure up ahead but pay no mind to it as you pulled out (e/d) to post a midnight pic of you and your partner. Hearing a familiar whine you turn around to see a Houndoom coming out of the water dripping wet.

"Again Houndoom! We have to beat Misty!" an equally annoying voice shrilly cries. You growled as you Beautifly as you had her dry Houndoom off. He barked greatefully but coward under his Trainer's hard glare.

"Hey! What do ya think you're doing punk?! We're training here!" you turned around with enough feriociousness that would make a Beedrill cower in fear. The guy flinch back. Yup. Its him.

"Tch, its you." he growled crossing his arms.

"Yup. Me." you shook your head popping the 'p'. He clenched his arms before snapping for Houndoom who scurried to his side. You grimanced as you stroked Flabebe's head.

"Me, you, battle now." you grit out glaring at him. He walked away as you followed. Making your way up some stairs thatled to a at grassy area above the beach, you both found the battle areana.

"Before we start, what do I get out of this?" he asked sending Houndoom out.

"The knowledge that treating your pokemon with repect and care strengthens them. It makes them stronger. Then you'll see that the way you treat houndoom is disgusting." he scoffs rolling his neck.

"And you? What do you get?"

"The satisfaction that you'll treat Houndoom better after this learning experience! And hopefully a friend." you exclaim propping your hands on your hips. He before a light pink dusted his pale cheeks. You giggled as you backed up letting the pokemon take the field.

"Okay Beautifly use a really strong Gust then use Air cutter!" you screamed out as Beautifly set upinto the air.

"Houndoom, use flamethrower!" beautifly set to work with Gust asit lifted Houndoom into the air. Houndoom reared to use Flamethrower as Beatifly zoomed around in a circle to use Air cutter. Flamethrower unfortunately overpowered the air cutter forcing Beautifly to retreat back woth some damage. Houndoom landing back in the arena.

"Thats alright! Use Mega drain!"

"Houndoom. Leer. Now!"

The mega drain worked, draining the pokemon of a good chunk of health, leaving him panting. The leer not affecting the well trained Bug pokemon.

"Now use attract!" as planned Houndoom fell head over heals, disorienting him. The boy grew angrier by the second as he screamed at Houndoom. He fell on deaf ears as he ordered another flamethrower, Houndoom only using it on himself, ultimately knocking him out.

Silence as you walked over to Houndoom, crouched, and pet his head. Glancing at his trainer who begrudgingly joined you crouched to the ground, you smirked.

"Here. This should get him up and at 'em. And next time actually take the time to learn your Pokemon's strengths and weakness. It doesn't make you a sissy or anything if you do." he blushed at this remark as you held out your hand.

"and the name's (y/n)."

".....Silver..." he spat as he took your hand.

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