Male!Banette x Fem!Banette

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Prompt: You were and your male interest spark fear to the Kalos region during Halloween.

(Play music clips when you see **)

Spoilers: Flufffffff

Dedicated to lapseSkitty


You giggled as your companion chased you through the foggy night sky. During this particular Halloween night, the moon was blood red. Perfect for some freights. You phased your upper body down through a roof, now upside down, ready to scare an unsuspecting victim(s). You spun in a full circle until you found a young couple watching tv. Your companion chuckled and floated down behind the couch, you quickly following suit. You both were getting ready to scare them until the woman screamed while the guy laughed. You both looked at one another before shrugging and looking towards the Telly. It appeared to be a compilation of scary clips from famous horror or thriller films. A bulb clicked as you bonked your lover on the head. He formed at you before following your pointed finger to the Telly. He figured it out and possed the couch. You chuckled and possessed the lights. It was a few minutes until you made the lights go out and the Telly go static. The woman hid in her lover's lap as they both began to panic. Your lover, on the other hand, made the couch float, taking them with it. You then un-possessed the lights(they're still off) and got close to them, them being able to feel the drop in temperature.

**"You'll float too!"

"You'll float too~"

"You'll float too!"

"You'll float too~"

Screams erupted from the pair as the couch wildly began to shake and spin as you stayed in place, seemingly whispering to them from everywhere. After feeling satisfied with these two, you and your lover left for your next victims.

"UGH! I HATE THAT TWERP AND HIS TWERPY LITTLE PIKACHU!" A woman with red hair seethed stomping.

"I second that..."

"Wabbu Wabbu.." a blue-haired male whispered dejectedly slumped against a tree with a Wobbuffet.

"We'll get 'em next time!" a Meowth started trying to reassure himself. Bingo. Your lover followed your line of vision. Glancing at the lights he got the Memo and possessed them, making them flicker before going out completely. The emptiness of this side of the community also helped a bunch. You slowly floated above their heads, them not seeing you because you made yourself not visible, and hovered behind them. Remembering the next clip of the compilation from earlier you began to chant that eerie song.

**(Skip sound to 0:08)"1..2 Freddy's coming for you..."

"WHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!" The woman shrieked jumping away from you(they still can't see you). The others hid behind her as they all looked around. The street lights began to flicker slowly.

"3...4 better lock your door.."

"WHO'S THERE!?!" they began inhaling excessively and backing away again.

"5...6 grab your cru-ci-fix..." they all began screaming and tried to run but the lights flickered violently making them all burst. They fell to the ground, crying and looking around. Your and your lover now stood above them and showed only your faces making them as scary as possible.

"9..10 never sleep a-gain..." They screamed and ran off, dust in their wake. You both burst into laughter and flew up into the air, on your way home to the abandoned mart. As you both flew, your lover tapped you. You turned in time for your lover to boop your foreheads together. Your forms of a kiss since you couldn't open your mouths.

You grabbed his hand as you two flew together and phased through the walls into the mart. Laying in the abandoned attic you both watched the other ghost Pokemon as they set to work scaring trainers and other people alike.

Heyyy sorry this took so long! My Birthday is literally in 5 days y'all 🥵I'm shaking! I'd like to do Q&A so please I implore you guys to ask some questions lol. I haven't forgotten about the other One-Shots and I promise I WILL get to them y'all. I don't know if this is a regular thing for writers on Wattpad but I don't have ANY planning when I write the One-shots😬🤫. I go based on what you all request and rewrite it a few times. Yes, I'm have poor eyesight so some of my spelling might be wrong but I try to go through and fix those. If you have any concerns you don't wanna post in the comments by all mean DM me and I have no problem fixing it for you and not mentioning it in public. I care about you guys and your needs/comfort/requests so, by all means, bug me with your problems😘. Anyways I'm rambling but to those ppl who's One-shots are in parts and is not finished yet I'm getting to y'all.

Pokemon x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora