Male!Cinderace Fem!Hatterne

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Prompt: You leave your Pokémon home for a week as you went on a remote spiritual no-Pokémon journey to strengthen yourself a s a trainer. Little did you know the events that would take place while your were gone.

Spoilers: ☁️
Dedicated to semi_seni0ritis
You raced to the door, slinging your backpack on as you stumbled to get on your hiking boots. Hatterene used the thing un her hat as a hand as she held the boots down for you. You thanked the silent Pokémon but tubbing and hugging her. Hatterene returned the love snuggling into you. Cinderace peeked around the corner as he watched the fisplay of love. Sensing your Pokémon, you opened oen eye, not beeding to turn atound.

"Come here Cinderace~" you cooed to the prideful Pokémon. He gave a chirp of defiance as he hopped onto your back and got as close as he could(the backpack made it harder lol) shoving his face in your neck. You laughed as you pet gis ears, maneuvering yourself to hold him like a toddler in your arms.

"I'll be back soon pal, take care of Hatterene for me!" You placed a kiss on Cinderace's nose as you sat the blushing Pokémon down.Blowing kisses at your Pokémon you left closing the door with a soft click.

Turning to Hatterene, Cinderace opened his mouth only to see her walking off speedily around the corner. His ears drooped as he hopped slightly into the kitchen, then out into the living room in search of the feminine Pokémon. Turning around in a circle his ears caught the sight of Hatterene fleeing around the corner at the top of the stairs. He huffed as he stomped his foot loudly. Taking off, Cinderace hopped to the fridge where he found some sweet malasadas, Hatterene's favorite. Taking the sweet confections and hopping softly up the stairs. There he entered the Pokémon room where Hatterene stood looking out the window.

"Hatterene?" Hatterene whipped around violently before looking around feverishly for somewhere to hide.

"Wait! No! Don't hide! I have malasadas?" Cinderace shouted frantically. Hatterene looked the humanoid bunny in the eyes before down casting her head, shame flooding her eyes.

"Im sorry for running from you-its just.." Hatterene sighed as she turned from the bunny. Cinderace's wheels began to turn as he thought about what could be wrong. Then it hit him.


Hopping around the house, Cinderace let out much needed energy as he used moves in the air. His trainer had left to recruit another Pokémon to the team. Cinderace had been at it for almost five hours now since they've gone. After about another ten minutes the door clicked open and they came barging in with a comfy ball in hand.

"I'm back Cin cin! Come meet our latest addition!" Cinderace hopped happily to the front door where his trainer stepped aside to reveal a rather feminine and curvy Pokémon. Drooling Cinderace's eyes widened as his foot stomped rapidly and softly.

"Meet Hatterene, Hatterene, Cinderace!"

"Beautiful.." was all Cinderace could mutter as he stared her up and down. Hatterene fled off up the stairs in a fluster as Cinderace stared in.

End of Flashback

" what I said last week?" Cinderace asked shyly, digging his foot into the ground. Hatterene blushed as she nodded. Sighing ting aside the malasadas, Cinderace walked over to Hatterene and gently took her sides, pulling her into him. Even though Hatterene was at least two feet taller, the hug was just as powerful. Looking up at the feminine Pokémon, Cinderace's face was stern but his eyes held love and every last bit of softness.

"You are beautiful and never let anyone tell you otherwise. I was immature and inappropriate, yeah, and I'm sorry if it made you uncomfortable. It's just, I love you, a-a loy actually...and-yeah..." Hatterene was a blushing mess as she bent forward kissing Cinderace's ears. Cinderace blushed fifty shades of red as his foot thumped feverishly on the ground as Hatterene giggled. The two continued to eat malasadas as they practiced moves and bonded. The two got even closer as a pair and maybe soon would become lovers. For bow they shared quick pecks, long hugs and shy glances as they continued to strengthen as Pokémon.

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