Male!Cinderace x Fem!Reader

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Prompt: You give Cinderace some TLC after coming back from a long trip.

Play the music when you see **

Dedicated to Bobble_Chan

You sighed as you got off of the bus, hiking your book bag up higher on your lower back. **The bus stop was only a ten minute walk away from the ranch you lived on with your Mama(pronounced Mawmaw). She was an old lady who raised you after your mother had passed and it had been you two and the Pokémon ever since. As usual she watched Cinderace while you were gone training around the region. Cinderace was a 'special' Pokémon after an accident. It's previous owner was cruel and made it battle until it could barely move. It ended up damaging and scarring the male bunny-like for the rest of his life. His bones in his feet were shattered and are still healing for years to come. He'll never walk properly, hop, skip, or launch into the air again. So you took him in and have made his life as comfortable and special as possible while helping him heal as best as possible.

"Mama! I'm back!" You heard the soft padded footsteps of your grandma as well as the improperly timed footsteps of Cinderace as he hobbled alongside your Mama.

"Cinder! Cinderace-ace!" He churred stumbling into your arms. You laughed as you helped the disabled Pokémon back upright.

"He'sa been in ya room waiting for you ever since ya left dear. Couldn'ta get 'im out if a tried." You Mama sighed kissing your cheek as she took your bag and set it by the door. You 'awed' as you gave Cinderace your arm as he hobbled to the kitchen with you.

"You been waitin' for me Ace?" He nodded furiously as he struggled to sit right in the bar chair. You chuckled holding it still as he swung his bad feet around and sat still. You began taking out ingredients to make a special food your Mama always made for the Pokémon.

"Well wait no more. For I am here! Heehee~" you giggled striking a funny pose with the spoon. Cinderace laughed as it spun slowly on the revolving bar stool. Whipping the batter to a dough, you set the spoon aside as you added the flavoring and spices and you let Cinderace lick the spoon.

"I know it's been hard lately and all with you Physical Therapy and I just want you to know that we'll do whatever it takes yo get you back into the arena Ace.." you said sincerely. Cinderace teared up as it churned in happiness and hugged you from across the counter. You laughed as you helped him sit down properly again and got back to making the sweet confections.

30 minutes later

"MmmMmm... Ish swo gwood~" you mumbled with a mouthful of sweets. Cinderace was too busy chowing down to respond. You swallowed your mouthful as you sat down on a swivel bar chair next to your partner.

"Hey..." Cinderace swallowed as he looked to you. "I'm sorry that I was gone longer than usual bud. I made a lot of miney though during battles! I can now officially afford the rest of your physical therapy a some more. The. We can go on as many trips as you want! Course it'll be another four or three month before your fully he-"

"Cinderace!" Cinderace fell/hopped into your lap sobbing, ears down. You teared up a bit as you began to feel your own tears fall. You knew this was a big moment in his life and that you were his saving grace. Who wouldn't get emotional?

"*sniff* H-hey..cut that out!" You cried as you hugged him tighter. And that's how you both stayed for hours. Crying in pure bliss.

Pokemon x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora