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Jungkooks pov

Mina walks in and closes the door behind her, she sits on my desk chair and looks at me "hey..." I look down "hey...I'm sorry to seen rude but shouldn't you be with jimin?" She sighs "look....I know you hate me....but you're missunderstanding....who do you think I am exactly?"

I look at her and shrug "I dunno....jimins hot,rich, beautiful girlfriend? Who will probably have sex with him every time he walks through the door" she nods "uh hu...I Thought that....I'm not jimins girlfriend....I'm his sister"

My eyes widen "I'm so sorry!" She giggles "it's fine, I understand why you thought that....I normally stay with jimin when I'm over from the UK...I just show up out of nowhere and take up all of jimins time, I understand why you're annoyed"

I blush a little "I feel stupid now..." She shakes her head "no...it's a misunderstanding....plus I know who jimin really likes" I tilt my head "who???" She smirks "they're in this room" I look around and then my eyes widen "wait.....me???" She nods "indeed... he's gonna kill me if he finds out I told you"

I blush more....he actually likes me back?????????
I smile and look at her "I won't allow him to kill you....I'm sorry again...for assuming things....I shouldn't have been angry with you....I guess jealousy makes you into another person"

She nods "it really does....but I understand why you were jealous, you kissed him...and then he suddenly has me attached to his side 24/7" I nod "that did annoy me a little....he also told me, and I quote 'call me jimin when we're alone babe' which also gave me a vibe that the liked me....and then when he looked at you he seemed so happy so...I assumed you and him were together"

She smiles "your hyungs thought that too... especially yoongi..." I laugh a little but wince and stop laughing,I put my hand on my stomach. Mina sighs "what actually happened???" I sigh and look down "at school...I'm the student that everyone picks on....and today...everyone I ever pissed off...took their anger out....and by everyone I mean everyone in the school.."

Her eyes widen "you're the kid that gets bullied.... why?!" I shrug "why not? I wear girly clothes....I love books....I wear glasses most the time....and the top one at the moment...I kissed a hot teacher on stage when I refused to kiss the student my age....I'm a slut"

She shakes her head "is that what they call you?" I nod "yep... but I've gotten use to it now...so I just accept whatever they do....they punch me? I don't react...they permanently scar me? Doesn't bother me" she gasps "they've permanently scarred you?" I nod again and pull my shirt up a little to show her  a huge scar across my stomach

She sighs "why....why don't you get them told off...or expelled?" I pull my top down again "you think I can snitch and get away with it? I they threatened to kill me if I tell!" Her eyes widen "they should go to prison for assaulting you!" I shake my head "there's no point in telling the police... we're teenagers....it's normal to see teenagers get into fights... They don't care....unless it's outside of school...I can't do shit...."

She goes to speak again, I sigh "I need to change....can you leave?....my room that is...." She nods "of course....just know I'm here to talk....even though we aren't exactly close at all" I nod, she walks out

I then sigh and close the door behind her, I change into some sweatpants and one of Hoseoks hoodies that I stole from him.
I lay down in my bed and wince a little...

I can't believe I thought mina was his girlfriend....
I jump a little when my door bursts open "JUNGKOOK!" I giggle "I'm okay hyung" Jin runs to me and hugs me, I hug back and then laugh a little when everyone else runs in, Hoseok looks at me "you're okay!" I nod "yea?"

Yoongi Huffs "Jin took us out of our lessons so we all had to very quickly call a substitute in because he said you were very injured and needed us.....oh Tae is here too....Felix got pulled away by straykids" he walks in with jimin following

I look at Jin "hyung im fine....I would've been okay for a-"
"Shhhhhhhhh my sweet little baby, keep your pretty little head calm...your hyungs will take care of you"
I giggle and push him away "it's just a few scratches" taehyung scoffs "kook you've bruised your ribs...you have a cut on your head...and cuts and bruises all over your body...you should rest and let us help"

Namjoon nods "as your headteacher I am suspending you until you get better.... as your friend I am telling you to rest and let us help"
Jin nods "see! We're all gonna help you!....mina will still be he-"
"I know....me and mina are friends"

Mina walks in and smiles "he just misunderstood...." I nod "yeah..." Jimin tilts his head "misunderstood what???" I look down "nothing hyung" taehyung laughs "awwwwwe Kookie is bad at hiding his crush" I blush and cross my arms "says the one that literally said out loud 'id let Mr min and Mr Jung slap me in the face and I'll say thank you'.... you're not great at hiding it either"

He smirks "but lucky for Me, it worked out and I have two hot boyfriends" I giggle "that's amazing Tae!....be careful though....if anyone else finds out...you could get kicked out of school and they could be put in prison!"

All three nod, Hoseok tilts his head "is that my hoodie?" I nod "indeed it is....I needed....my nose is sensitive and your scent is nice" he Chuckles "is that why you cling to me a lot?" I blush more and nod. Namjoon tilts his head "who else's scent is nice?" I shrug "all of your scent's are nice.... Hobi's scent is calming and it doesn't irritate my nose at all....the same with jimin...his scent is nice and calming...but I think it's cause you both wear the same colonge"

Jimin pouts "so why don't you wear my hoodies?" I look at him "cause.....cause I...I thoughtminawasyourgirlfriendsoididntwanttomessitupandruinyourrelationshipiactuallyloveyouandwanttobewithyoubutiwasjealousandgotangry"

Everyone was staring at me, taehyung chuckles "would you like the translation?" Yoongi looks at him "you understood that?" Taehyung nods "indeed...I have been his friend for years! So I've learned how jungkook speaks and I can understand"

Jimin shrugs "okay...what did he say? I Hurd girlfriend and love but that's it" taehyung nods, I shake my head "Tae, Tae,Tae,Tae,Tae, Tae,Tae no!....I would literally jump and tackle you to the ground to stop you but can't....please no! I beg you!"

Taehyung smirks "he said and I qoute....'i thought mina was your girlfriend so I didn't want to mess it up and ruin your relationship,I actually love you and want to be with you but I was jealous and I got angry......i really want you to be with Me, I am just a lonely boy who needs lo-"

I throw my pillow at him "I did not say that last bit! Up to angry...I'll admit I did say that but I did not say anything about how I'm a lonely boy!" Taehyung laughs "I'm sorry kook, I had a chance to embarrass you and I took it" I blush and nod "indeed you did.... you're so lucky I'm In pain right now....as soon as I'm fully healed you are dead"

Taehyung smirks "not if you can't catch me" I cross my arms "don't test me Tae, you know how that worked out for you last time" he Huffs "it's not my fault! You're so strong for your hight!" I gasps "you're calling me short now?!"
Before Tae can say anything yoongi intturrupts "you two act so differently here than in school"

I nod, taehyung chuckles "cause in school he is the quiet one that doesn't speak....but outside school he is a brat" I nod "I'll let it slide that you called me a brat but that is basically true....I can be myself around you guys....in school I keep to myself and don't talk to anyone"

Jin nods and then giggles "jimin you went awfully quiet" we all look at jimin who was staring at me, I blush "uh...."
He walks to me "you really love me?" I gulp when he grabs my chin "I uh....

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