Chapter Thirty-Five

Start from the beginning

Katara and I exchanged a look. Katara sighed, "You need to take it easy, okay? You got hurt pretty bad."

"Also," I chimed in, "Your hair is pretty cool."

Aang looked pretty surprised that he had hair.

Hakoda approached us, "Everything okay?"

I smiled, "Everything's fine, Uncle."

"Uncle?" I heard Aang murmur.

Katara looked away, annoyed, "We're fine, Dad."

I wonder why she was mad. Eh, didn't concern me.

"I'm Hakoda, Katara and Sokka's father," Hakoda said to Aang, offering his hand for a handshake, "And (Y/N)'s Uncle."

Aang looked confused about the fact that Kat's father and my Uncle were the same person. 

"He knows who you are. I just called you "Dad", and (Y/N), just called you Uncle," Katara glared at her father.

Damn, I'm gonna need a flashlight for all this shade that she's throwing.

They continued their conversation and Aang and Katara went up for a healing session. I was going to join them, but Katara could heal just fine, she didn't need me.

Then, we all went on the deck so Sokka could explain his invasion plan, and get Aang up to date. He explained everything that Aang had missed, which was a lot. I also gave Aang his phone.

The invasion plan was fairly simple. A small invasion during a Solar Eclipse. Firebenders can't bend during an eclipse, so we had the advantage.

Sokka turned to Aang, "So we're planning a smaller invasion. Just a ragtag team of our friends and allies from around the Earth Kingdom. We already ran into Pipsqueak and The Duke."

I don't know who those people are but two people who I assume are Pipsqueak and The Duke waved to Aang.

I coughed, "I'm not from the Earth Kingdom, but I'm here too."

Sokka rolled his eyes, "Yes, (Y/N) has been a big help."

"Why are you saying that sarcastically?" I asked, "Do you want me to disable your phone?"

Sokka gulped, "Sorry. Anyway," he turned back to Aang, "The best part is, the eclipse isn't even our biggest advantage! We have a secret ... you!" He pointed at Aang.

Aang looked surprised, "Me?"

"No, the other person he was pointing too," I said.

Katara giggled.

"Yep, the whole world thinks you're dead! Isn't that great?" Sokka exclaimed ignoring my statement.

Aang didn't think it was great, "The world thinks I'm dead? How is that good news? That's terrible!"

" No, it's great! It means the Fire Nation won't be hunting us anymore! And even better, they won't be expecting you during the Solar Eclipse."

I coughed, "Well, actually if it gets out that I've been spotted again, then we will be hunted."

Aang ignored my comment. I think he was having a mental breakdown, "No, no, no, no, no. You have no idea. This is so messed up!"

Suddenly another Fire Nation ship approached us. I heard Aang fussing, but ultimately Katara got him to hide. 

The crew from the other ship came on board.

Hakoda put on his helmet and him and I put on my mask and we went to greet them. We usually did that because Hakoda held an aura of authority, while I had Fire Nation knowledge. We'd been getting by pretty well.

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