Chapter 36

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Charlotte's POV

I was brought to hysterics as I had a whiff of my father's scent.

After Eleazar  left I curled into a ball on the floor hugging daddy's shirt.

It strongly smelled like him.

It was the same shirt he put me to bed with.

I clutched the necklace. 

My cries faded away as I fell into slumber.

I got up in the unfamiliar room.

I looked around  I walked out the door and down the hallway I saw my father, each time I took a step he only got further away, I ran till I couldn't run anymore.
Then he said, 'Bambina Be strong for me'  I fluttered  my eyes open.

It was only a dream...

I realized I wasn't on the floor I sat up and adjusted to the scene.

How did I end up on the bed?
I looked at the clock, it was 10 in the morning.

It's already been a day without Father..

I wandered down the stairs.

In my dreams Father said to be strong.

I will be strong for him.

I travelled to the living room.

"Good Morning" I said to them, well mostly to Carmen

They turned their attention to me, "Good Morning Miss Charlotte" Carmen says.

I can make it through one day, then the next, I don't know how long father asks me to be strong...

"What's for breakfast" I asked.

"It's your favourite pancakes and eggs" Carmen says.

"Would you like to attend school around here?" Eleazar offers.

"Yeah I think I'd like that" I responded.

I had to move on.

I was only 3.

To him it probably was nothing.

"Very well." He said then made a cup of chocolate milk.

"Did you sleep alright?" Eleazar asked setting the cup of chocolate milk in front of me.

"I slept fine" I lied.

I mostly cried and I probably slept talk.

"That's good" He says.

"I made this for you" He continues.

"Thank you" I said picking the cup up and taking a sip.

Then he chuckled.

What? Did I do something? Is something on me?

"Let me wipe that milk mustache off of you" He says getting a napkin and wiped it from my face.

I looked down.

Then a blonde hair woman sat next to me.

"Who are you?" I said turning to her.

"I'm Kate." She replies.

"Kate I like that name."  I said then I looked down at my sculpture.

"Do you think my father would like this?" I asked doubting my artistic skills.

"I think it's quite lovely, and it matches your necklace right?" Kate  says.

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