Chapter 46

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Charlotte's POV

When I had finished taking my bath I felt a little lightheaded.

It felt nice to have a bath prepared for me...

but what happened at the party made me just want to hide myself.

"Wow. you were able to make it to Daxon's birthday party" A dirty blonde girl sneered at me.

My eyes widened the moment Daxon had stepped out to help his father with something the girls and even some of the guys turned on me.

The dirty blonde girl splashed the hawaiian punch onto me.

"I had to work for a long time to have him invite me" she continues.

"You probably bribed him" another girl said.

Then one of the boys that was with the dirty blonde came to me and basically snatched the top I was wearing and the fabric tore.

My vision was getting cloudy and I covered myself.

"I can see exactly why Daxon wanted you here" the black haired boy said.

I cowered onto the floor.

"And this top you're wearing it must of cost you a fortune" the other girl smugly said as she threw more punch onto me.

I closed my eyes.

"Let's just how much she is hiding" another boy's voice said and unknowingly my pants were beginning slid down on my legs but before they could fully take my pants off I held firmly.

"Such a wen*h" the boy sneers.

"Sl*ut more like it" the dirty blonde haired girl says.

After all the commotion or how ever long they bullied me.

Daxon came rushing.

"Charlotte" he said shoving pass the girls and boys that surrounded me.

"I'm so sorry. This is all my fault" he said as he carried me over to a couch.

I was brought to tears.

It was my very first party and this is my experience.

"I'm so so so sorry Charlotte" he said as he attempted to fix the top but it was of no help.

"I'm going home" I said and I called my driver.

I flicked the water and the water rippled.

Then I sank further into the tub with only my head sticking out.

I wasn't sure on how I felt.

The guys did awful things to me before Daxon came to rescue me.

I hugged myself shaking off the feeling.

I cried why did this have to happen to me?

I really wanted to be comforted by my father.

I can't let father know of what happened.

He just can't know... they may of done this to me but they don't deserve to be under my father's wrath.

After a long soaking in the bathtub I managed to step out of the tub but my vision was getting hazy.

I grabbed a towel and walked out of the bathroom.

Eleazar was sitting by my desk then I saw him rush to my side.

I had hit the floor.

There was darkness around me.

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